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after their date, pair walked back to minas through the park

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after their date, pair walked back to minas through the park.

"I still can't believe you payed over $400 for that" mina scolded him but he just chuckled

"trust me, if we lived in the same city. that'd be the price I'd pay per month. let me spoil you~" seungmin pouted once again and squeezed minas hand.

she smiled at the boys actions. the time was around 8 and the sun has almost fully set, the last bits of orange were fading away from the sky. there was a soft breeze that blew lightly through minas hair. they walked in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others presence.

he led her to the bridge that was over the creek and stopped in the middle. grabbing both her hands and smiling at the smaller girl infront of him.

"what? why are you looking at me like that" mina giggled and tried to hide her face

"can i not appreciate that the most beautiful sight in this world is standing right infront of me?" a light blush creeped across minas face while seungmin spoke

"sweet talker much" he laughed and pulled her into a tight hug, the smile never leaving his face

"come on, let's get back before it gets too late" mina placed a quick peck on his lips and grabbed his left hand, attempting to lead him back to the main path but he pulled her back towards him.

seungmin cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. this time more passionate but gentle, making sure he wasn't making mina feel uncomfortable. she smiled into the kiss and pressed her forehead against his when they broke apart.

"now we can go" he grabbed her hand once again, intertwining their fingers and lightly jogged back to the path. mina couldnt help but smile as she ran behind the boy, she didn't understand where all his sudden confidence had come from but she wasnt complaining none the less.

the rest of the walk back to her house was quite calm. they talked about whatever had come to mind and each of them were happy with the randomest topics.

when they reached her front door step, mina unlocked the door and they stepped inside.

"we're back" she said, taking her shoes off and neatly placing them off to the side so she wouldn't trip. jieun and jaemin were cuddling on the couch and seemed to be watching anohana by the tears that were stained on their cheeks.

"goddammit this animes too sad" jieun sniffled as she threw a pillow at the tv but missed and it fell infront of it. mina walked over to look at the tv.

episode 12, dammit here come the waterworks

minas eyes started to tear up as well, seungmin noticed and came to her side.

"jieun" mina whined

"we literally watched this last week and bawled our eyes out, you know better than to watch it AGAIN" seungmin chuckled at how mina scolded the other girl.

jaemin pulled jieun closer

"it's my fault, i told her that i bet its not actually that sad. i didn't expect to cry this much" he held the sobbing jieun in his arms, whispering comforting words into her ear

(a/n : oops my weeb is showing but like anohana had me crying oceans yall should watch :3)

mina walked upstairs and into her room, grabbing a pair of pajama shorts and one of seungmins hoodies and changing into them in her closet. then going to the bathroom to take her makeup off and wash her face to -attempt- preventing acne.

walking out of the bathroom into Felix's room to see him sitting there by himself.

"strange, i thought youd at least be with renjun" mina flopped onto his bed

"nah he went to meet up with chenle" she raised an eyebrow at her brother

"what about hyunjin"

"been on call with hyori for the past 3 hours" he lay back against his head board and turnt his phone on. mina sat beside him watching him do whatever he was doing on his phone like normal

ever since they got their first piece of technology when they were 11, mina would always go to Felix's room to watch him play on it.

"is yeji and donghyuck back yet?" felix asked, not looking up from his phone

"i don't know, seungmin and i only got back a few minutes ago. why?" mina sat up from against the back board.

"oh, they were arguing when they left. i just hope they're okay" mina raised her eyebrows

"arguing? about what?" a sense of worry was heard in her voice

"oh nothing bad, just their kind of stuff. apparently yeji cuddled a pillow instead of him and he got mad because he was beside her" felix shrugged and mina laughed

"I'll never understand their relationship" she got up and walked out of Felix's room and proceeded to her older sisters room. mina opened the door to see rachel playing on her laptop.

"can i help you" she looked up

"i need someone to talk to about my date" mina smiled uncontrollably and rachel closed her laptop and placed it beside her

"go ahead tell me everything" rachel smiled and quickly put her hair in a messy bun to get her hair out of her face.


after talking with her older sister for about 30 minutes, rachel sent her out to go and hang out with her boyfriend so she could sleep.

mina found seungmin on the couch in the basement, lazily watching a kdrama wrapped in a blanket. she walked down and sat beside her, getting under the blanket and he put his arm around her allowing her to cuddle into his chest.

the cheesey scenes made them smile and soon mina fell asleep in the comfort of seungmins arms.

the cheesey scenes made them smile and soon mina fell asleep in the comfort of seungmins arms

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im gonna do a bunch of time skips in the next chapters oops

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