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the group of 11 teens had actually gotten pretty close in the 2 hours they sat at the beach

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the group of 11 teens had actually gotten pretty close in the 2 hours they sat at the beach. their calm era came to an end when the speakers called everyone towards the main cabin for dinner.

mina got up and followed the group towards the cabin. from the moment they stepped inside the dimly lit wooden cabin, the food was the only thing on their minds. as a camp they thought the food would be bad, but boy did it ever smell good in there.

there was a huge rice cooker set on a table, that was when mina realised this was a camp for asian teens. that realization only made her more excited to eat, that would mean multiple different variations of food would be here. she sped walk towards one of the tables when he right foot got caught of one of the floorboards and she fell face first into a plate of kimchi, which a cook was just bringing to the table.

mina hadn't felt this embarrassed since she fell up the stairs in front of high schoolers in 8th grade. her face was already red from the sauce but she felt like it got redder, embarrassed she said sorry to the cook, hid her face and ran out to her cabin to clean up.

bursting through the cabin doors and sat in front of the mirror.

"smooth, real smooth mina. go ahead and embarrass yourself on THE FIRST DAY" she cried as she grabbed a towel and began wiping her face.

after about 5 minutes she got all of it out and redid her makeup, luckily the kimchi didnt go in her hair. she looked good as new but was too embarrassed to go back to the cabin and went the night without dinner.


*nudge nudge* mina felt someone trying to shake her awake and she groaned

"mina are you okay?" it was yeji

"yeah, just you know reallllllyyyyy embarrassed" she hid her face in her pillow.

"oh dont worry about it, hyunjin screamed like a little girl after seeing a spider not too long after" mina turned to the girl and sat up

"im starving" almost on cue a small grumble was heard from her stomach.

"oh right that's why i came, come on we're all going out by the beach again. and felix saved some food for you" after hearing that mina instantly got up and followed yeji outside

"it's kinda chilly now, why dont you have a hoodie"

"pfft I'll be fine"


mina was wrong, she is not fine. she sat shivering on the sand. still eating the food her brother saved for her while the others played in the water.

footsteps were heard but she couldn't care less to look over so she kept her eyes on yeji. the two were quick to become best friends and mina could tell that she had a small crush on donghyuck.

the girl snickered as she watched yejis face turn bright red everytime donghyuck would get close to her.

the footsteps by her seemed to get closer and closer, but that didnt make her want to look at all so she kept minding her own business.

"hey, you're the one who tri-" mina knowing where the person was going she yelled

"SHUT UP" she turned around the see the cute boy who she was staring at from earlier. her eyes widened in realization

"omg im sorry, i have anger issues- wait no i dont- i mean uhm. hi?" mina stuttered out but the boy laughed softly, she didnt understand how someone could be so attractive.

"im seungmin" he held out a hand

"mina" she smiled and took his hand, it was almost like her hand fit perfectly. the small touch made her completely forget she was shivering earlier, that was until the connection dropped. then she was cold.

she shivered and hugged her arms, sitting back on the ground. seungmin was taken aback, but realized what he needed to do. he took off his black hoodie and handed it to the small girl.

"huh- oh thank you" she smiled at took the hoodie, it dropped down just in the middle of her thigh. seungmin smiled at her, she looked cute.

he sat beside and the two started talking, learning more and more about each other. mina received a notification and pulled her phone out to check, seungmin noticed her wallpaper was day6 and quickly made that the topic to talk about.

"you listen to day6?" he asked

"of course, i love day6. jae owns my heart" she said clutching her heart.

"how about my doppelganger wonpil" mina didnt notice it at first but seungmin was right, he and wonpil do look very similar.

for the next hour they talked about day6 and told stories about themselves. the pair didnt realise how much they had in common. for instance they both love photography and love to take photos of scenery surrounding, favourite kpop group,  enjoy the same tv shows and so much more.

mina felt herself getting closer and closer with seungmin by the minute. she looked over to her friends and saw yejis arms draped around donghyucks neck and she smirked.

"look at those two love birds" she snickered, nudging seungmin in the side. mina lay back (a/n : stream lay back by verivery) on the folded towel to rest her head on and seungmin did the same. both looking up into the starry night sky.

"you know, this camp might not be as bad as i thought it would be" seungmin said still staring at the sky, mina turned her head to the side and admired his side profile

"to be honest, same. i thought this would be some stupid camp with a bunch of weirdoes, but it has so many nice people and is well built" she inputted

"not just nice, but cute people too. like you" seungmin leaned his head towards her this time and winked at her.

flustered, she pushed him causing him to roll over in the sand and get his hair dirty.

"you might want to take that hoodie off if you want to be warm later" an eyebrow raised on the girls face but she proceeded to take off the hoodie, the cold air immediately hitting her skin. goosebumps formed on the girls skin and seungmin picked her up bridal style.

her face went red and suddenly she was warm again.

"s-seungmin w-what are you doin-" seungmin began running towards the ocean and threw her in laughing. her head popped back up and her jaw was dropped. she smirked and grabbed seungmins arm pulling him in after her.

both of them now sitting in the knee deep water laughing and enjoying their first night at camp

"aren't you glad i told you to take the hoodie off"

"aren't you glad i told you to take the hoodie off"

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and now they have met :)

summer camp ♧ kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now