A Small Companion

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Ima try to get this out as fast as I can while the plot is still fresh on my mind
here we gooooo!


And before I entered the portal, I mustered something; a response to Britain's answer to my earlier question. I'm not sure if anyone heard or not, but I'll find out. I'll see them all very soon, when actually, it's years from now. I'll see them soon, I'll make sure of that.


"Yeah, maybe I will."


America POV

That's it. She's gone. One minute we were all in each other's arms and the next, we're all looking at that empty abyss. Well, not empty. (Y/N)'s in there... somewhere. She's not a nobody, you know.

But the abyss. It's inky blackness was taunting me. Us. It wants to make me believe that no one is in there, that (Y/N) is still here with us. Well, she's not. I stepped forward and looked into the door. After a minute of silence, I closed the door. I looked back at the countryhumans, and they looked at me in silence.

Italy was the first to break the silence. "Cheer up guys!" We all turned to look at him. "We got her back like we said we would!"

"Yeah, but we aren't exactly sure whether she made it back to her world, or if she's still in ours." Russia said.

"Well, if she is still in ours, at least she'll be in the future!" France reassured Russia. "And in the future, we have way better technology than we do now, right? So maybe with that technology, we'll be able to get her back for sure!"

We all felt a little better after France's little motivational speech. Britain agreed. "Of course. After all, we are still learning and growing as countries."

I decided to speak up. "And we will continue to learn and grow as countries. For our land, our people, and for (Y/N)."

Everyone cheered. "For (Y/N)!!"





Not that I know what an acid trip feels like-
Man, time traveling sure is strange. I expected there to be a bunch of clocks floating around or something. But nope. It's a swirl of different colors all around me. Reds, yellows, blues, you name it. A lot of weird things happening around me too. It feels like one of those bizarre dreams you have where nothing makes sense.

Eventually, the wave of colors started to die down. Now, it felt like I was falling. Everything around me was black. It's the scariest thing; seeing nothing but darkness for miles. The only sound I hear is the nonexistent tailwind my falling body is creating. My only fear right now is hitting the ground. But, I don't want to keep falling forever, so I guess hitting the ground sounds pretty nice right about now.


The painless impact hit me like a truck.






Oh, we are not doing this again!

I opened my eyes. Instead of sitting up, I just stayed on the ground, looking up at the blue, clear sky. Nothing hurt. No sharp pains coursing through me. A wave of relief washed over me, realizing that I hadn't gotten hurt because of the fall.

The fall! It's all coming back to me. I slowly regained my memories of what had happened. Am I really back in my present?

I sat up and studied my surroundings. What I saw surprised me. I saw a dry, grassy terrain around me. A couple of trees were scattered around the area, but other than that, there was nothing much. The area was littered with shrubs and cacti. I stood up, dusting myself off.

Where am I? This doesn't give me a single clue to where I am, or what year I'm in. Quietly cursing to myself, I started walking in search for any trace of civilization. Suddenly, I hear the tiniest of pitter-pattering on the ground, and I looked down to see a small blur racing around me.

Taken aback by this, I stumbled backwards. The blur stopped, revealing to be a tiny yellow gecko with a brown pattern, making it look like a mini, reptilian jaguar. Aww. It looked up at me, and started climbing my legs.

What's it doing? Why is it climbing me? I didn't want to shake it off, it might bite me or something. So, I silently stood there. It stopped when it reached my shoulder, and bit something. It ate a bug that was crawling on my shoulder. I didn't even know it was there.

Ew. Nasty bug. Chuckling quietly, I talked to the gecko. "Huh, I didn't even know that bugger was even there. Thanks, bud." The gecko responded by climbing on top of my head. "Aren't you going to get off?" I asked the gecko, half expecting it to climb back down.

"Oh, of course, you can't talk... or understand me for that matter. Jeez, maybe I really am going crazy. Wouldn't surprise me." I muttered to myself as the gecko refused to cooperate. Sighing, I decided to keep heading towards the direction I had selected before.

With a gecko on top of my head and no sense of direction, I was off. Thoughts and doubts began to take over once more. What if I never found civilization? What if I stay out here for so long that I starve, or dehydrate? What if my only companion, the dear gecko, decided to leave me? Man, I sure hope I find something soon. I'm starting to panic a little.

This continued on for a good 25 minutes. I'd take a break here and there and sit on a rock, but the heat was starting to get to me a little. I guess it was starting to get to the gecko too, because after a while, it crawled into my pocket and just stayed there. I opened the pocket a little to make sure it could breathe.

What should I name it? Actually, I shouldn't name it! Because then, I'd get too attached to it and when it's time to part, I won't want to say goodbye!

Man, I watch way too many movies.

I heard a faint voice, along with a few other sounds. I got up from the rock I was sitting on, and tried to visually pinpoint where I thought the sounds came from. I raised a near my eyes to try to block out the sunlight, and peered over  to a certain direction. I saw a figure with a blue head...? And what seemed like kangaroos.

Cue the widened eyes!

There's someone there! Finally, after almost half an hour of walking in the middle of the dry savanna, I've spotted someone. I took my little friend out of my pocket and put it on my shoulder. I started speed walking towards this unknown person in hopes that they'll be kind enough to help me.

Let's just hope they will.


so I updated within the month of March :D
I'm so proud of myself
anyway, I think it's a little obvious who this mysterious person is lol

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