Perks of a Dixon Dating Sister

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"What's going on?" I asked, scrambling into one of the farmhouse's many bedrooms, "Is she okay?" I leaned on the bedpost as Glenn fumbled in after me.

"I- I don't know, Mack," Maggie's voice was calm, but wavering as the back of her hand glided across her younger sister's dewy forehead, "What's wrong with her?" She looked up at me for an answer, not being able to gather one herself. I steadily maneuvered myself around to the side of the bed, crouching down to face Beth at eye level. Her eyes weren't moving, but at least she was breathing.

"Is she in shock or something?" I asked, raising a brow as I put a finger to her neck to measure her heart rate, "She's breathing fine, but her heart is beating way faster than it should be."

"I don't know, and I can't find my dad," Maggie answered, voice still wavering, "What should I do?"

"Ah, fuck, um... Just sit tight, okay? Stay with her and talk to her like everything is normal alright?" I started back up, pausing at the doorway, "Just do whatever you can to calm her down, I'll be right back," I gave Glenn one last look to ensure he'd stay put before scrambling out the door yet again. If Hershel wasn't here, I was gonna make sure someone brought him back. "Hey!" I called out to where Rick, Shane, and Dale stood just outside the farmhouse, "Can you guys help me with something?" I managed to get out through a string of huffy breaths as I finally stood still.

"Course, Mack, is everythin' alright?" Rick asked, a concerned look on his face as he waited for me to catch my breath, "Whad'ya need?"

"Beth passed out, Maggie can't find Hershel, and for the first time in a long time, I have no idea what to do," I admitted, giving a concerned look right back to Rick.

"Say no more," Rick said, slapping a hand to my shoulder before heading into the farmhouse, a reluctant Shane trailing behind.

"This place is goin'ta hell, huh," Dale thought aloud, taking a glance around before settling his eyes in my direction. It was the kind of tone where it didn't sound like he was joking or being serious, which is exactly the tone the two of us always spoke in.

"Doen't help that Satan set up camp here either, does it?" I bantered back, motioning back to Shane, who was visible through the farmhouse window, "I still can't believe the shit he pulled earlier."

"You've fought with him how many times and you still didn't expect this?" Dale teased, laughing as I rolled my eyes playfully, "He's getting dangerous," he finished, tone more serious now as he tried not to look at him.

"I think he killed Otis," we both said in a grim unison, looking at nothing in particular. Even for a few moments after, we stood in silent agreement. It didn't take a genius to figure it out, but we were the only two people, other than probably Daryl, who would come right out and say it.

"How did you figure it out?" I asked, looking back in his direction, "Did he slip up in front of you? Threaten you?"

"Oh, he all but threw it in my face," Dale said, shaking his head, "He may be dangerous, but he sure is one big idiot," he let out a strained breath as the corners of my mouth darted upwards.

"You'd think for a cop he'd know how to hide evidence better," I added, biting my lip, as if what I was about to say would surprise anyone at this point, "You noticed he came back with his gun, right?" I watched as Dale nodded hesitantly. He either didn't wanna believe it or believed it all too well. He knew just how dangerous this was gonna get.

"I knew guys like him, Mack, and I can tell you did too," his voice was quiet, as if he was afraid Shane could hear us from such a distance, "Sooner or later, he's gonna kill someone else."

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