Our Extinction Event

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The CDC had no windows, which made it hard to keep track of time, but I was secretly thankful. This way, I wouldn't get woken up by the sun. More importantly, still, this meant walkers couldn't see us either. I fell asleep counting my blessings last night, as I had felt safer than I had since this whole thing started. Not only was I underground in a secured building, but I was in the arms of Daryl Dixon. I had slept so well that, even though I'd felt fully rested, I didn't want to get up. Lucky enough, the now hungover Daryl was still gripping me like his life depended on it, so I couldn't have gotten up if I had tried.

After a few unsuccessful attempts to fall back asleep, I decided I'd at least try to roll over. I wasn't too keen on waking hung over people up, but maybe my movement would do the trick for me. Worst case scenario; I'd just have to look at Daryl until he woke up. What a price to pay.

I didn't have much room to shift around, but I somehow got to the point where I could actually rotate myself without nudging him copious times in the process. It may have taken a few minutes, but I was now face to face with the young Dixon. I couldn't decide which was a better sight; the sunrise from yesterday morning, or the view I had right now. Even though he always looked angry, he was gifted with good features. I was completely content spending the day in bed, seeing as we had a new place to camp out for a while, but I knew Daryl would hate for a day to go by without getting anything done. Again, he was the type of guy who liked to get shit done and over with. I took one last glance at how peaceful he looked as he slept before slowly stroking the bridge of his nose.

"Daryl..." my voice was soft, "You've gotta wake up now..." I couldn't help but crack a smile at all the weird faces he was making. He could obviously tell something was touching his nose because of how much he kept scrunching his face up. I continued soft, slow strokes down his nose in attempts to wake him up soothingly, but he just ended up sneezing himself awake. "What a charming way to wake up," I teased, moving my hand that I had used to shield my face from the sneeze.

"The hell were you doin'?" He asked groggily, squinting his eyes, not yet used to being awake, "Felt like there's a bug on my nose," he commented, scratching his nose quickly before yawning.

"That's how Lori always used to wake me up," I answered, giving him a quizzical look, "I always thought it felt nice," I admitted, smiling at how funny he looked when he yawned.

"Why you in my bed, anyway?" he asked, still half asleep and definitely hung over, "Can't get enough of me or somethin'?" he teased, smiling at me for the first time that morning.

"Actually, you're the one in my bed, ya tool," I remarked, raising an eyebrow, "You came in here last night, drunk as all hell, saying you were gonna 'protect' me." His expression was priceless; I knew he wouldn't remember a thing.

"You sure you weren't the drunk one?" Daryl asked, cracking a half smile, "'Cause I ain't remember any of that," he teased, "Sounds like somethin' yeh'd say to hide the fact you wanted to be protected." He hadn't even been awake for an hour and he was still pressing all my buttons. But I had to admit... I loved the way he could do that so easily.

"WELL, WHO'S THE HUNGOVER ONE?" I asked loudly, making him realize he was, in fact, hung over. I smiled at his reaction, trying not to burst out laughing as his whole body cringed.

"Alright, damn," he laughed and put a hand to my mouth, "Yer the one gettin' drunk next time so I can yell at your hung over ass." I pushed his hand away from my face to reveal a smirk that was forming. "What's that face for?" Daryl asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You really think you can handle yelling at me again?" I could barely finish my taunt without laughing as Daryl gave me a confused look, "Last night after you shoved me into bed you got all nervous 'cause you thought I was mad at you for yelling at me outside this place," I reminded him. Even though I was joking, he seemed to become nervous again as he looked into my eyes.

Witchcraft | A Daryl Dixon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now