Met Your Match

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We'd all been driving for a few hours after the CDC went up in flames, but Daryl and I had barely spoken a word to each other. Besides the occasional, "You 'lright?" from Daryl, the ride had been mostly silent, given the fact we were still calming down from the events of the day. Although I was still a tad rattled, I was tired of feeling sad all the time, so I decided to make the best of a bad situation

"What're you doin'?" Daryl asked, glancing over as a rummaged through my duffel that I kept by my feet, "If yer hungry, I got some food in the glove compartment..." He trailed off as he watched me pull my computer from my bag. "Wha'dya still have that for?"

"Well, since we know for sure that things aren't gonna be back to normal anytime soon, I thought I'd make the most of this thing while I can," I chimed, smiling as I started the computer up, "Then when the battery dies, I'm sure Carl would have fun destroying it," I explained with a laugh.

"Don't have no internet though," Daryl commented, still interested although his focus had been turned back to the road.

"I don't need internet to show you the greatest albums in existence," I replied, opening up the iTunes app, "I have all this music downloaded, so I figured we could listen to it while I still had the computer."

"Whatever you say princess," He teased, cracking a smile, "Show me what'cha got."

"Oh, you're not even ready," I smiled over at him, clicking the play button on Helena by My Chemical Romance.

"The hell is this?" Daryl asked, laughing at me as I started moving my hands to the drum track and dramatically singing the lyrics. Ignoring his snarky comments and weird looks, I just kept up my theatrics, leaning against him during the long notes and whipping my long black hair around when the drumming sped up. As the song ended, I slowly leaned back into my seat, giving him a look of satisfaction. "You done now?" He asked, not able to take me seriously after all that.

"Don't even kid yourself, Daryl, I know you loved it," I cooed, playing the next song, "This album is sick as frick and you know it."

"One thing I do know," Daryl looked into my eyes momentarily before looking back to the road, "Yeh'd have a pretty voice if you didn' mess around so much when you were singin'," he said, half teasing, half complimenting me.

"Just shut up and listen to the rest of the album," I ordered playfully, giving him a smirk.


A few more hours of driving later, we had gotten through albums from My Chemical Romance, Iron Maiden, Slipknot, Black Sabbath, Marilyn Manson, and Rob Zombie before my computer's battery finally ran out; right in the middle of Living Dead Girl.

"Well that's unsettling," I said quietly, looking down at the, now black, computer screen, "Not only did my computer just die in the middle of a song about a walker, but now that song is gonna be stuck in my head for days," I complained, shoving the computer back into my duffel, earning a laugh from Daryl.

"Think we're gonna have bigger things to worry 'bout," he remarked as we came to a stop, "Wonder what's goin' on," he thought aloud, trying to look ahead. We were the second to last vehicle in the line up, so we couldn't really see what was going on in the front.

"Wanna go check it out?" I asked, looking over at Daryl curiously before he nodded, signaling us both to get out of the truck. As we got closer the the RV, we began to make out our group all standing in a crowd around the RV's engine, "What's going on?" I asked, standing next to Lori and Carl. Seeing how much smoke was coming from the hood of the RV immediately made me feel stupid for asking.

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