A Dixon's Take on Romance

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"You know what I think I miss the most?" Carl asked me from where he lay on the bed, smiling to the chair I sat in by his side.

"What's that?" I smiled at him, glad he was awake long enough to hold conversation.

"Playing Mario Kart with you after dinner every night," he finished with a smile, reaching for my hand.

"Even though I won first place every time?" I teased, taking his hand in mine, "I miss that too."

"You wish you won every time," Carl teased right back, laughing for a few seconds before his smile began to falter, "So... When do you think they'll find Sofia?" The concern in his eyes almost made me want to start crying on the spot. This kid had so much love in his heart.

"You know, Daryl has been out there looking every day," I tried to smile, but thinking of Daryl out there by himself yet again just made me worry all the more, "He's gonna find her soon, I know it." I sounded much more confident than I felt, which made me feel guilty.

"You really like Daryl, don't you, Kenzie?" Carl asked with a soft tone and thoughtful eyes, "Cause I think he really likes you too," he finished with a smile. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you trying to get at, huh twerp?" I stuck my tongue out playfully, which he did right back, "You're a kid, you're supposed to be playing, not spying on your aunt," I finished with another laugh.

"Not my fault my aunt is super obvious," Carl challenged with a smirk, causing my jaw to drop.

"You're in trouble now, young man, wait until I tell your mother!" I pointed at him in playful accusation, making him laugh harder.

"And just what are you gonna tell me?" Lori asked, amused, as she appeared in the doorway, "Not gettin' into trouble, are we?"

"Carl and I?" I put a hand to my heart, trying to act offended, "Well I never!"

"Oh, shut up, Mack," she laughed, walking over and running a hand through Carl's hair, "How're you doin' today?"

"Good," Carl smiled up at her, "I was just making fun of Kenzie," he beamed before throwing me a smirk.

"Looks like I've taught you well," Lori laughed, leaning down to give her son a kiss on the cheek.

"As much as I love being ganged up on, I think I'm gonna see if Maggie needs help with anything," I laughed, smiling between my nephew and my sister, "Give you two some bonding time while I'm at it," I finished, standing up to offer Lori my seat.

"Actually, Mack, I need to talk to you for a second," Lori gave me a serious glance before smiling back at Carl, "I'll be right back, okay?" She gave Carl another kiss on the cheek as he nodded.

"I'll see you later, dude," I smiled at Carl, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze before following Lori outside, "So what's up? You okay?" I asked as we sat down on the front step of the farmhouse. I could already tell she wasn't okay by the look on her face. Her expression was blank as she gazed at the trees in the distance. Times like these, I knew to keep my mouth shut and wait until she was ready to speak. If I tried to pry, she'd lose patience and I'd never know what she was going to tell me.

Although I had been waiting a good ten minutes, I still wasn't prepared for what I was about to hear.

"I'm pregnant."

I raised my hand to my mouth, slowly dragging it down to my neck, trying to think of what to say, but nothing came to mind.

"You don't have to say anything, I just had to tell someone," Lori said flatly, "I don't know what to do and I don't mean to dump it on you, I just wanted someone to know."

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