Thank you!

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You might not like these words, but I'm going to say them anyway. FINALLY! I adored this series, and I am so proud of it. But I am also happy I finished it.

First of all I am happy that I finished it because I made it to the end. I never thought I would even finish one book, but I just finished five. It's incredible, and I can barely believe it. I am so proud of what I have created, and even prouder I got to share it with you.

I am also very happy that I finished it, because now I can move on to a new story. It will not be very different, and I already have an idea, but I am mostly glad to be finished with Arthur's part in this story. It was very difficult to write something that is not love related, which makes me happy to have ended everything that is connected to Arthur.

Thank you so much for reading this story. Thank you so much for staying with me as I wrote this. Thank you for staying until the end. And thank you for making it so far. Now I know you love it just as much as I do. Your support, even just the number of reads that rose, was enough support for me to make it to five books.

I am eternally grateful for this experience, and I will never forget the first five books I wrote.

Also, I want to end this book by apologizing for any mistakes I make.

First and foremost I want to apologies for any spelling errors you might have encountered. There are not many, but I am not a native English speaker. I come from Belgium, my native language is Dutch, and English is only the third language I speak. I hope this did not bother you too much, but nevertheless, you can let me know if you find a mistake. I will try to correct it as good as I can.

There is also a possibility I have made historical mistakes. I have tried to make it as true to history as possible, but since I do not live in the Victorian era, I might have made some mistakes. The story is set around 1850, but so is every book after this, which means that time doesn't really move. That is the magic of books!

Also I do not prove read my books, because that would mean I might rewrite the entire story. It is possible you have found sentences in which a word is missing. For that, I sincerely apologize. Sometimes my mind goes faster than my fingers.

If you encounter any of these things, please let me know and I will try to change them as good as possible. Don't be afraid to tell them to me, I will only learn when I know my mistakes.

I thank you very much for your patience and support, and I hope you have loved the story!

Again, thank you for reading!

Lots of love!


*2022 update*

The entire Victorian Flower Series is currently being completely rewritten offline. The stories have changed, the one story more drastically than the other. My plan is to publish these books while keeping the first versions here on Wattpad. If I find a traditional publisher who wants to work with me, it will depend on what they say. But if in the end I decide to self-publish, I will definitely keep these first versions on here.

Would you want to read new (and better) versions of these stories? Let me know!

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