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Andrew was in his study when he heard the front door open and voiced fill the silent hallway. His heart fluttered at the knowledge of his wife - and his sister - arriving home.

Vicky would often tell him he was overprotective, and he would deny it. But deep in his heart, he knew she was right. Yet he could not help it. If you love someone, you do not want anything to happen to that person. And every time she was out of his sight, something over which he had no control could happen.

Or mayhap he feared her death so much, that he saw visiting the market as dangerous. But truly, what bad could happen at the market?

As he exited the study, he saw Mr. Lennard coming toward him, probably to announce that the ladies had arrived. Andrew lifted his mand at the man, telling the butler he had heard them arrive. Mr. Lennard gave him a bow, then guided him to the parlour.

Upon entering that room, the smile he had on his face disappeared and turned into a worried frown. His wife was sitting on the coach, his sister's arms around her, both their faces hidden in the embrace.

"Vicky?" he asked. "Elizabeth? Is everything alright?"

The two ladies looked up, only now aware of his presence. But their faces did not show anything good. In fact, Vicky looked like she could break down in tears any moment.

He walked toward her and took her from Elizabeth's embrace into his own.

"What is it?" he asked as he wiped some hair out of her face. "Are you hurt? Did you feel the pain?" He feared she had already felt the pain from her pregnancy - the pain they both feared, for it meant the illness had not left.

Vicky shook her head and answered "no" to his big relief. "I am not in pain. I am merely... shocked."

She buried her head in his shoulder, so Andrew turned to look at Elizabeth.

"What happened?" he asked worried.

"Arthur happened," his sister answered, clearly angry.

"What?" Andrew asked confused. "You saw Arthur at the market?"

Elizabeth scoffed. "He was telling everyone around how he got banished from the family. We did not hear most of it, but the people seemed to pity them, so I think he lied. But what he told Victoria was out of line."

Andrew stiffened, then pushed his wife's head up so that she looked at him. "What did he tell you?"

She bit her lip, but eventually admitted: "the same as in the letter. Only with more suggestion that I will die. And to my face."

Vicky too seemed angry, but too frightened to give into it. Andrew wanted to comfort her, but he did not want to promise things they both knew he could not control.

So instead of saying anything, he gave her a kiss on her forehead, then held her close to his chest again. He felt her shake softly, and knew she was crying.

The soft sound of her sobs made him feel even more powerless. She was crying again, and he wished he could take away her tears. Or better yet, take away the cause of her tears. He knew Arthur was not the only reason for her crying - the pregnancy was too. Yet for selfish reason, Andrew would not want to take away the baby if he could. He wanted this third little miracle, just as much as he wanted his wife with him. And all he could do was hope that he got to keep both.

"Aunt Elizabeth," Alice suddenly whispered after a gasp. Andrew watched over his wife's head how his daughter walked to his sister and hugged her. Elizabeth laughed at the improper act, then gave the girl a kiss on her cheek - something very improper too.

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