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Wiping away the tears, Mary turned around in the arms of her husband. Waking up next to him would be glorious, if not for the reason why he was home every day.

Now more than ever, they needed each other. Not only to dry each other's tears or comfort each other, but also to help each other forget the horror they had to live through.

Mary knew Thomas was doing everything he could to find Nora, but after discovering his own friend's body, she knew he could not function as well as before. She trusted he did everything he could, but what hope could she have when they have been searching Arthur for years with no result? What could suddenly make her hope that they would find her daughter that was taken by that unfindable man?

Especially now, when he was hiding. She feared he would quickly get rid of Nora to save his own skin, and she tried not to think too much about how he would rid her. Would he merely leave her behind, or would he do something much worse – something he has done to those seven men only recently?

She shook her head and looked at Eli. His eyes were closed, probably dreaming of a great life where he was home to take of the children – all three of them. She had dreamed that. Lately that was all she could dream of. A life in which Eli was home, and holding Nora, while she was holding Eddi and looking Phoebe running around them.

Twas a wonderful dream, but not more than that – a dream. She must shake her head and forget it, but she could not. Finally having Eli with her, was the what she had dreamed of for years, but she only got him because Nora was missing. And she was not certain if that was a sacrifice she was willing take make.

She pulled the blankets further over her, the cold air feeling cold on her skin. Yes, she was naked, and yes, Eli was too. One of the best ways to forget their worries and supress their panic, was to make love. It did not sound like a thing one would be capable of doing when missing a child, but they did not do it out of love. They did it to forget.

And it worked. For a while, they both forgot there was anything else but each other. And quickly after, they fell asleep and dreamed the most wonderful thing. But once they woke up, that wonderful bubble of happiness and pink clouds, was broken and they were faced with the truth again: Nora was not at home.

A hand wiped away the tears that were falling out of her eyes again, and Mary opened her eyes to see Eli looking at her. He gave her a wry smile, and Mary appreciated the gesture, but it did not help her mind. He pulled her closer and kissed her lips. She thought that on any other moment – when all of her children were safe – she would gladly kiss him back and do even more. But today she was not feeling like it.

So after a last kiss, she stepped out of the bed and dressed. Without speaking, he did too, then helped her with tying all her layers. He gave her a last kiss on her cheek before they went to the dining room together to have their breakfast.

Mary hated that even Phoebe and – especially – Eddi were so unhappy as well. She had hoped that if her husband could not bring her to life, mayhap her children could. But they missed their sister as well, although Eddie was barely old enough to say it. The house was quiet and sad, not even the sun could lighten their minds.

Lord Byron had taken over the directing of Eli's play, since he was needed at home and Ada could give birth any moment. No one of them was bothered by how well the play was doing, for they knew no amount of money would be enough to please them. All they wanted was each other, their children and Nora being harmlessly returned to them.

Instead of going to his study, Eli invited Mary for a walk through the garden. It was not big and Mary had already seen every corner of it multiple times. But she did not mind doing so again. She wanted to be with Eli, hold his hand and feel his comfort. He allowed her to cry, and she allowed him to talk of his hopes. But all in all, they were together and knew they could find support there.

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