CHAPTER EIGHT: Discussion, discussions

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Twas the weekend. Eli did not have rehearsal today. It pleased Mary to know her husband would be with her during the entire day, but so far - right before luncheon - she had not seen him a lot. He was there when she woke up, and when they had breakfast together. After that, he seemed to have disappeared.

So when she was annoyed because she did not see him as much as she thought she would, she walked to the butler - who also served as footman.

"Owen, do you know the whereabouts of my husband?"

The man nodded his head and told her: "he is in his study."

She thanked him with a grateful smile, then made her way through the hallway and entered Eli's study.

"What are you doing?" she asked severely, crossing her arms over her chest.

Eli looked up from the papers he held in his hand. "Working," he said as if it was the most obvious thing. Which it was, of course, though it was not obvious why he was doing that.

"You said you would be home today," she said disappointed.

"I am home," he argued while opening his arms, motioning at the study around him.

Mary sighed. "But you are working. I thought you would be home to spend time with me and the children."

"I will," he promised her. "I will. But not now yet."

"After luncheon?" she asked hopeful.

"I- Maybe. I will see."

She sighed again, disappointed of her husband's absence despite his presence. Twas not because someone's body was here, that his mind was paying attention.

With a nod, she turned around and left him to work. He had made her a promise, and she would not allow him to back down on it. But when she and the children went down for luncheon, he was not there. Not even during luncheon he showed, and when they exited the room, there was still no sight of him.

After luncheon, he had promised. So she waited a few more hours. But it was almost four and she still had not seen Eli, she got angry and stormed inside his study.

"What now, Eli?" she asked angrily, throwing her arms open. "You are still working? Or mayhap you just do not want to spend time with me."

Startled, he looked up, shock obviously on his face. "What?" he asked, as if he had not heard her words.

She sighed and dropped her arms in defeat. "What indeed. What are you doing, Eli? What is your excuse this time?"

"Excuse?" he asked confused, but he also seemed a bit offended. Mary was not bother by it, though, for she had had enough of forgiving him just to keep the peace.

"Yes, Eli. What is your excuse this time for not really being here?"

"Mary, you are speaking in riddles. I do not know what you mean."

She walked closer to his desk and leaned on it. "Then tell me when was the last time we truly had a conversation? Twas not last night, for then I fell asleep alone. Neither was it this morning, for you were kissing me to avoid all conversation. But twas also not yesterday either, for you were not home all day. And the same thing happened the day before and the day before that. There is always something, Eli! And you are never with me."

Eli pursed his lips and his eyes bore into hers. He seemed uneasy, and he took a deep breath. But Mary was not going to comfort him. Not now. She was too angry at his constant absence to make him feel comfortable, so she just gave him a challenging look.

"Mary, tis not that easy," he said softly. He took a paper of his desk and turned it around so that she could read it. "We do not have a lot of money anymore."

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