Amber slowly entered the car and sat in the passenger seat like she always did. She mimicked Luna's pose by moving her gaze straight ahead; staring out the front window to the car.

With her eyes focused straight ahead, she missed Luna's arm swinging up in the air only to bring it back down on Amber's head. Amber squealed as Luna smacked her across the head and turned her throbbing head to glare at her mistress.

"Where you always this bad at your old school?!" Luna demanded, her eyes being twice as narrowed as Amber's.

Amber now found herself holding back a smile. "I was pretty bad there too, yes." Amber wasn't exactly 'bad', but wasn't good either. She knew 'bad' was an exaggeration, but she was no angel. Even at her old school she enjoyed picking on the teachers. Her other reasons for getting in trouble were based on sexual actions, which at the remembrance of, almost made her laugh aloud.

Meanwhile, Luna obviously found nothing funny as she held hard eyes on Amber. "I don't know what to do with you," she spit as she started the car and pulled out of Amber's school.

"Let me go?" Amber quietly suggested, knowing Luna most likely did not hear her.

"What did you say?" Luna asked as Amber had predicted she would.

"Nothing...never mind."

Luna arched an eyebrow at her but let it drop as they fell into silence.

The two were soon at the house, and Amber immediately searched for Joel. She could not remember the last time she spoke to him, and she missed him like crazy.

Instead of finding him, though, she saw Eva running her direction. She slowly turned around in hopes to get away. She knew Eva would question her about what Luna said, and Amber hadn't worked out her fib quite yet.

"Amber!" Eva yelled out to her, and Amber cringed as she turned back to face her with a forced smile.

"Oh, Eva!" She faked the excitement. She knew it wasn't good to be lying to her yet again, but it was truly the girl's fault. She pushed Amber to do what she did not want to, and so therefore got this from Amber in return.

Eva hesitated once standing with Amber. She then suddenly leaned in close to her face, making Amber think she was about to kiss her. She gasped inwardly but stayed still, waiting for their lips to be connected.


Amber had not even noticed how she closed her eyes. She peeked them open to find Eva tilting her head, gazing at Amber curiously.

Amber could feel herself blush. She swore Eva was going in to kiss her! "Um, sorry."

"I was going to whisper to you, but you freaked out there," Eva said as she placed a hand on her chest.

Amber shook her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what you were doing."

Eva slowly nodded her head and leaned in once more, but made sure to go much slower to convince Amber she was not up to anything. "How did the talk with Luna go?" She asked, not exactly in a whisper, but a low voice.

Amber closed her eyes for a moment, growing extremely stressed. "She was...she was pretty cool with it. She said she would talk to Hailey. And...I mean, she was only a bit upset that I had not told her earlier, but...but it's alright," Amber managed to stutter out.

Eva returned to standing erect and made a face at Amber, causing her to grow worried she had caught her lie. "She wasn't that mad?"

Amber quickly nodded. "Yeah! I mean, she lectured me about hiding it from her, but that was it," Amber lied.

She watched as Eva nodded, and waited for her to speak, but she never got the chance to. The both of them heard Joel's voice call out from above them. "Eva?"

Their heads danced around in attempt to find Joel, and Eva caught him first. Amber followed Eva's eyes and saw Joel standing in the hallway a story above them, leaning over the railing to gaze down at the two of them.

"Yes master?"

"Come here for a second, please."

Eva tapped on Amber's arm and flashed her a smile before running off. Amber returned her gaze up to Joel just in time to give him a quick wave. He casually waved back before turning his back to her and entering his bedroom which stood behind him.

Finally alone again, Amber let out an exhausted sigh, and as if on that cue, she decided it was definitely nap time.

Tormented Mistress ( Book One )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant