Chapter Thirty Five

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EJ sits next to us and I stretch out across both their laps and hums in bliss. I guess I dozed off again because I am met with a Nightmare. The mansion is a blaze and everyone is injured. Toby and EJ are pinned to trees by Zalgo. Smoke clouds my senses and my heart hammers angrily in my chest. Zalgo beckons me towards him but I stay put. Before my eyes EJ and Toby are killed and I drop to my knees and wails. I snap awake and pants heavily. "He's coming." I whisper and scrambles out of my bed that EJ or Toby must have put me in. I get to Sally and Lazari's room and steps inside. The two girls look at me and smiles. "Girls, I have a bad feeling that Zalgo is going to come for me and he will do whatever it takes to make me his. My power as a normal angel isn't strong enough even if I am an Angel of War. If Toby and EJ are pinned and everything looks dire I want you to rip my wings off. I have heard stories of the power a fallen angel gets." I say my voice serious. "Vesper, are you sure that will work? It could just be lies and you could die." Lazari says. "I don't have any other choice Laz. I am not losing you guys, no matter what I have to sacrifice I will not let anyone that I hold dear die. I am not backing down from him." I say. "If that's what you want then we will do it." Sally says a determined look shines in her eyes and I hug the girls. "Thank you." I whisper. "Do you know how long we have till he comes?" Lazari ask as they pull away. I shake my head sadly. "No, but that just means I need to spend as much time with EJ and Toby as possible before then." I say. The next day I track my boys down and smiles at them brightly my mouth guard gone. "Hey you two. I want to show you something. Are you willing to get away for awhile?" I ask. "What suddenly brought this on?" EJ asks. "What? Can't I spend time with the ones I love?" I tilt my head. "I guess not. Let's do it." Toby grabs my hand and I grab EJ's and leads them both outside and lifts them into my arms and spreads my wings. "Hang on tight." I say and lifts the three of us into the air and flies to a cliff facing the sunset. I set the boys down and they stumble slightly. "Whoa." EJ says holding his head in his hands. Toby sits down before he falls and he sways slightly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have flown that fast. I forgot you guys haven't flown with me before." I rub the back of my neck sheepishly. "You're fine Vesper. We just didn't think we would get dizzy." Toby says and smiles at me. Me and EJ sit next to Toby. "No matter what happens I want you guys to know I love you." I say watching the sunset in front of me. "We love you too Vesper." Toby and EJ say at the same time and tears well up in my eyes. 

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