Chapter Fourteen

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I sigh and pulls off my hood and eye cover. I sit on the bed and rests my face in my hands. Mom, i'm scared of what I might have to do while I am here. I don't want you to be disappointed in me but I don't want to lose their trust and protection. I might have to forsake my sanity a little and blend in. I hope you can understand what has to be done. I rub my face in exasperation and someone knocks on my door. I quickly cover my eyes and pulls on my hood. I get up and unlocks the door. I open it to reveal two girls standing there. One has snow white skin, long black hair, black lipstick and eye shadow, wearing a black top and pants. The other has long brown hair, one bright green eye and a clock in her other, wearing a white tank top, blue jacket and jeans. "I'm Jane and this is Clockwork. Nice to meet you." Jane says. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Vesper." I say. "I hope we can get along." Clockwork says. "Me too." I smile even though it isn't seen. The girls leave and I close my door and crawls into the surprisingly comfy bed and let's myself fall asleep. When I wake up I check the clock to see that it is midnight. "I guess I missed dinner. Oh well." I mutter and rubs my eyes to get rid of the grossness in the corner of my eyes. That's when I feel someone watching me and I look around before spotting the familiar blue mask. "EJ? What are you doing standing in the corner like a creep?" I ask before he launches at me and pins me to my bed silently. "None of your concern Pet." He growls and he moves his mask so his mouth is uncovered then I feel him move my hoodie to expose my neck and bites a spot. I go to cry out in pain when he covers my mouth with his hand. "Can't have you making any noise now can I?" He asks while smirking. He attacks my neck again this time sucking on the spot he just bit. I struggle but he is stronger than me. He continues to bite and abuse that spot until he is satisfied with his work then he gets off me. "See you in the morning. Pet~" He says and leaves. I get off my bed and goes to a mirror and looks at my neck to see a dark bruise on my neck that is tender to touch. I cover it with my hood and goes back to bed. 

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