~Her Story~ (Prologue)

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I watch the others around me go about their business and keep everything in running order. I smile softly as I hum to myself. "Where is she!?" Someone yells. I stand up trying to get a better look at what's going on. "Where is Vesper?!" A guard snarls. I duck out of sight. "What is going on? Why are you looking for Vesper?" A woman's voice asks who I identify as it being my mother. "She lied to everyone about what type of angel she is." He says. Everyone gasps. "What type of angel is she then if she isn't a guardian." My father says. "One that hasn't existed in years. One that we were warned about trying to kill all the others. An Angel of War." Another guard says. With that everyone breaks into panic. I clench my top in my fist and sneaks into my house from the back door and soars to my room. I quickly change my clothes and binds my chest. I hide in my room until night time. As I sneak down stairs I see my mom and dad standing by the door holding some stuff. "My beautiful girl, you have to escape. Me and your father love you very much no matter who or what you are.  You better stay safe out there and if you meet any other super natural beings out there do not ever tell them what you are. They will use you." My mom says hugging me. "Vesper, if you have to kill some humans to keep yourself safe then do it. Your mother and I agree that if you do it is for a good reason. Be safe and keep your wings hidden. The human world will tarnish them if they are seen." My dad says ruffling my hair. They hand me some food and money then I am off. My feathers ruffle in the wind and I dive down towards the earth at a high speed. I land in an alley way and I tuck my wings away and acts normal the hood of my jacket covering my eyes while a mask covers my mouth. I shove my hands into my pockets and walks down the side of the road. Humans walk around bumping into each other and the air is polluted with cigarette smoke and car exhaust. I find myself a nice apartment and I crash on the couch exhausted from the flight. 

Since then I have been on the run. Hiding from other angels and supernatural beings. I even enrolled myself into a human school. I used some angel magic for them to allow my mask and hood but I blend in so it's fine. 

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