Chapter Twenty Five

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I can sense his smile and he tries to uncover my face. "No, I'm not that pretty." I move away from him. "Vesper, you are beautiful. Let me see your face." EJ says. "No!" I squeal and tries to run but he scoops me up into his arms. I laugh and tries to escape but he holds me tightly and carries me inside. I wrap my arms around his neck and hums softly. He sits down on the couch and holds me in his lap. "Can I at least remove one thing off your face?" He practically begs. "Fine, but only one." I say. "Yes ma'ma." EJ removes my mouth guard and squishes my cheeks. I scrunch up my nose and sticks my tongue out at him.  The others watch us slightly confused by EJ's behavior. "You're face is so soft and squishy." He says and I growl playfully. "No it's not. I'll bite you."  I snap at his hand but he pulls away quickly. "No biting. Save that for the bed room." He purrs and my face goes red. EJ laughs and I cross my arms. "No fair. Making me blush." I huff. "Hey Love birds. Do you wanna play spin the bottle/ seven minutes in heaven?" Ben asks holding up a glass bottle. "Sure. How do we play?" I ask getting up EJ following close behind me. "We all sit in a circle and the bottle is layed on it's side and someone spins it. Whoever it lands on the person who spun the bottle has to either do a dare of the other's choosing or spend seven minutes in the closet with them." Ben says and everyone sits in a circle. Ben puts the bottle in the center. Jane is the first to spin. The bottle spins and spins until it lands on Jeff. She growls. "I'll do a dare." Jane says. Jeff thinks for a bit then smiles. "Make out with whoever you choose." He says. "Fine." She snaps at him and looks around the circle before crawling her way towards me. She stop in front of me and grabs my chin. In a fluid motion my mouth guard is removed and she kisses me roughly. I hesitate for a second before kissing back with the same force. She pulls away from me and nips my bottom lip leaving me a blushing mess as she goes back to her spot. "Next." She says and Nina spins the bottle and it lands on EJ. She pulls him up excitedly and rushes to the closet dragging EJ. I watch them go unfazed and then turns back to the others humming softly. "Aren't you upset Ves? He is basically cheating on you." Clockwork says. I look at her and shrugs. Soon the seven minutes are up and EJ and Nina join the circle again. Ben spins it next and it lands on me. He yanks me to the closet and I look at EJ worried. The door is shut behind us and Ben sticks his hands under my tops and kisses me angrily. I refuse to cooperate and I can feel my skin burning under his touch. He grows angry and my refusal and squeezes my breasts causing me to gasp and he shoves his tongue into my mouth. I push Ben away as the door opens and I scramble to EJ's side quickly. The game continues and everyone is laughing and having a good time. Masky spins the bottle and it lands on me. He scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the closet. He sets me on my feet and the door closes. Masky pins me to the wall and his mask is moved and he attacks my neck while one hand goes down my pants. I whimper softly as he continues. The seven minutes end and we join the others again. As the game continues the bottle lands on me so many times and my body is sore. "I'm going to bed guys. Goodnight." I mutter and makes my way to my room slowly. I crawl into my bed and falls asleep. 

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