Chapter Fifteen

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I wake up to someone small shaking me and hitting my chest. "Vesper get up! Slender says breakfast is ready."  Sally says. I smile under my mask and rolls over pretending to be asleep. "Five more minutes." I mumble tiredly. "No! You have to get up now!" Lazari says. I sigh. "Fine, if I have to." I pretend to mope and gets out of bed and stretches. "Come on! Let's go eat." Sally says. I follow them out of my room and to the dinning room. I sit at the table in between Sally and Lazari. The table is packed with everyone in the mansion crammed at the table. I dig into my plate moving my mask to put food in my mouth before putting it back and chewing. I have barely touched my plate when "Hey Vesper, what happened to your neck?" Ben asks. I look at him with unseen confusion. "What?" I ask.  "You have a huge dark spot on your neck that wasn't there before." He says pointing to his own neck in the exact spot of the hickey EJ left. "Maybe EJ should check it out." Jeff says. I stand up quickly knocking my chair over, grabs my plate and scraps it into the trash and puts it in the sink and quickly leaves the room my heart hammering in my chest. "What's his deal?" Jeff asks. I go to my room and looks in the mirror. The hickey is extremely noticeable now that there is better light. I hear someone knock and I look over to see EJ. I scramble to arm myself and I point the lamp I now hold at him. "Stay the fuck away from me." I snarl. "What's wrong Pet? Scared I might do something?" He asks smirking. "Besides, how would you fend me off with a lamp?" He tilts his head and steps towards me. I rip the plug out of the wall and before he can blink I have thrown the lamp and it connects with his head then hits the ground and shatters. I sprint from the room and slips past everyone. "SON OF A BITCH!!! VESPER!!!" EJ roars. I rip the front door open and takes to the sky. I perch on the tip top of a tree and watches him rush out of the mansion in a blind rage. I look at him as he searches for me angrily. "What happened EJ? What did Vesper do?" Masky asks. "The ass hole hit me with a lamp." EJ snarls. "So you are going to hurt the kid because he hit you with a lamp? That's like me going after Jeff because he hit me with a spoon." Hoodie says. I snort and all their attention turns to me high up on the tree. "You bitch! Get down here so I can kick your ass!" EJ snaps. "Not happening you fuck! I'm staying here in my tree." I holler. Something moves out of the corner of my eye and I turn to look at it. A tall male with horns slips through the trees. "Lazari. Come here." I call and swoops down picking her up and going back into the air then pointing the male out to her. "Daddy." She says. I narrow my eyes. "Get everyone inside. I'll hold him off." I say. She nods and I set her back on the ground. I stand in front of the others and spreads my wings wide hiding them from view. "We need to go inside now." Lazari says. "What's wrong?" Jane asks. "Just trust me. We need to go inside." Lazari and Sally push everyone into the mansion. Zalgo steps into the clearing. "What's this? An Angel? Here?"  Zalgo looks at me. "Hello, Zalgo." I growl. "Now I remember you. You were always hanging around my daughter and you took her away from me." Zalgo growls. "So? She is happier where she is now. Away from you and out of harms way." I snap. "She was never in harms way when she was with me. But you moved her and she is always in danger." Zalgo snaps. I snort and he swipes at me. I move out of the way and he keeps swiping. One time his claws almost catch my face but I am quick enough to avoid being hit. 

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