Forest 1x1 Part 1

Start from the beginning

Ember: I thought he had a nice backpack. 

*Silvia opens it to find some money, food and drinks as well as other things.*

"Why is my granddaughter talking to a criminal?"

"That's just Ember, she lives in the streets." Sage said relaxed about the whole thing. "After Sin died she kinda didn't really have a home so she stayed with Heather."

"Sin?" Sara asked finally speaking after finding out she would be a mother. "Like the girl on the show?"


Silvia: Nice.

Ember: When's your brother due back?

Silvia: In a few hours.

Ember: And your dad?

*Silvia's face darkened*

Silvia: I don't know or care.

Leonard started to feel guilty and become scared that he was like his own father.

Ember: He's your dad. Just because he was upset after your mother's death a needed some time away he is still you father.

Silvia: He just up and left! She was my mother and he sent me away to train to be some sort or stupid fighter, I used to go to dance remember? I had a family, a home and now I live here in filth. 

*A tear falls down her face*

A few people looked to see how Sara and Leonard were reacting to their daughter.

Ember: He was hurt. You forget that he was her husband, and you look so much like her that being around you hurt him. Your father was always trying. I remember when we were younger and you told me you had the best dad in the world because even though he could yell at you he was never his father and he was always kind. No one is perfect. He is hurting still and he may be like that for some time.

Silvia: Ugh why do you always have to be right. 

*Ember smiles*

Ember: Because your always wrong.

*Silvia throws a pillow at her*

Silvia: So I was thinking-

Ember: You can think, holy crap I didn't think that was even-

"The sass!" William shouted laughing after giving up on escape while Mia was still working. 

"Wait who are you guys?" Oliver queen asked glancing between the two siblings. Sage quickly paused the show and opened a bag of popcorn. Mia and William shared a look. 

"People from the future!" William said quickly as Mia face palmed. Sage watched closely and ate her popcorn as Felicity joined in.

"Heater said something like that when she locked us in here." Oliver said giving them a death glare. "Why don't you tell us who you are?"

"This is not how I saw my day ending up." Sage said in a hushed voice to Ray and Felicity who were both eating her popcorn. 

"Shh." The two of them said as they watched.

"It's dangerous for people to know to much about the future" William said trying to convince his father but failing.

"Would you like us to just find out through the show?" Oliver asked.

"He's right." Mia finally spoke. "Even if they were still watching Arrow they would find out about you pretty soon." 

"Fine." William sighed and turned to his dad. "Do you remember Samantha Clayton?"

Moira let out a soft gasp.

"Hey she went to school with us I think. " Laurel said as Oliver paled.

"Yes I remember her." Oliver said choking out the words.

"Well guess who payed her 2 Million dollars to tell you she had a miscarriage?" William said not thinking of any better way to put it. "You mother."

"William!" Mia scolded as Oliver grew paler. "You could have said 'Hey I'm your son from the future. Oh also Hey I am William's Half sister and your's and Felicity's daughter."

Felicity choked on her popcorn. 

"Wait what?"

"Lets get back to the show." Sage said before anyone else could say anything.

Silvia: oh shut up. This is important. I want to change my name.

Ember: Your  joking, that's your big thing you want a name change. Okay Clara.

Silvia: No! Anything but Clara. I was thinking more Heather.

Ember: Okay, but I will call you flower. 

A few people laughed.

Silvia: I picked the name Heather because they remind me of my family's cottage in the forest when I was growing up.

Ember: Why not just keep calling yourself Silvia. What's with the name change?

Silvia: My mother picked that name, every time I think of her I feel week and hopeless.

Ember: What happened when she died? What are you not telling me?

Shadow guy: Okay I will let you guys enjoy a few minutes of peace before we continue.

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