10 Days of Love - Day 10 | You don't know | Shigaraki x Reader

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10 Days of Love - Day 10  Shigaraki x Reader

"I love you, but you don't know what you are talking about"

"Why didn't you tell me that this mission would be so dangerous?! I don't think I can do this anymore" you finally voiced out your concerns while pacing up and down the space of your boyfriend's room. 

The blue haired male looked at you with watchful eyes. It wasn't the first time he saw you like this and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. As much as he loved you, your worrying nature could be so exhausting from time to time, making him want to keep stuff from you that actually could worry you. 

That was probably one of the backsides of being with a citizen. His and your worlds were totally different and therefor you had a hard time to accept his lifestyle. Especially when you always had to fear that your boyfriend wouldn't come back to you.

"You said that before and here we are" Shigaraki shrugged it off, not concerned that you would actually make the move and leave. Everytime something went wrong on a mission you would complain afterwards, telling him that you couldn't handle the fear and worry but you had never actually left which was why he didn't think much of it anymore.

"I am serious!" You glared at the other as you stopped your pacing. "This time you overdid it! I told you to be careful and what are you doing? Being as reckless as ever! And even more so you didn't even tell me that you would go out for a mission! Do you even care that I am worried about you? Because it feels like you don't by the way you are acting" you argued, being truly angry with him. You knew he wouldn't turn into a, well, normal person for you but he could at least take your feelings into consideration and try to be a bit more careful but seemingly that was already too much to ask for.

"Yeah" he responded lamely while letting himself fall onto his back. He let out a yawn as he closed his eyes. After all, he just came back and was incredible tired. He just wanted to sleep and keep this conversation for later. 

These actions just made you more angry and suddenly something snapped in you.

"Am I a toy for you? Be honest, do you even care about me?" You questioned, balling your hands into fists while waiting for his answer. Unfortunately for your temper, he took his sweet time to say something.

"I do care" he admitted but the lack of passion in his voice made you feel otherwise. You knew that Shigaraki was pretty bad at showing his emotions. He was only affectionate when he needed affection. He only told you he loved you when he thought you were sleeping. He treated you more like a friend than a lover most of the time but you put up with it. 

But everyone had a breakingpoint and yours was reached. You felt unappreciated like he didn't even think you were important enough to pay attention to your words. You knew that you might annoy him with your constant worries but wasn't that what lovers do? Worry about each other and if needed, talk about those worries in order to pull through them?

Right then and right there, you decided that you wouldn't let yourself be treated like this anymore. If he didn't care about what you said, what was the point of staying with him?

"I am going to tell you one last time: I am serious, Shigaraki! If you are not willing to take my feelings into account and talk to me about it, then I can't stay with you" you warned him.

The red eyed man cracked an eye open upon hearing you call him by his last name but other than that he still seemed pretty much relaxed. 

"I am a villain. That is how it is. I don't see why I would have to talk to you about things that I can't be changed" his tone was icy and his words pierced your heart. 

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