Blue - SingleDad!Bakugou x Reader

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A/N: Some of you might  have noticed that I've posted a new story but this time it is an Haikyuu one, which is why I decided to post one of the one shots I have on my laptop for those who might miss my writing but aren't interested in haikyuu (It's a great anime btw, so if you haven't watched it, I would recommend doing so). 

Anyway, this is the start of a small Au series, so I might post the other parts sooner or later as well. 

Please enjoy! 

Summary: Raising a child on your own takes a lot of effort and time and especially when it isn't your own most people don't want to commit to that. So it isn't surprising that Bakugou wasn't looking for someone to share his life with until he met you. 

Warnings: All characters are aged up as the story suggests. 

Bakugou tapped the steering wheel of his car in annoyance as he waited for the red light to turn finally green. He was already late to pick up his son from this stupid project his class was doing near the port of the city. It was stated that the class was supposed to learn about the marine environment by spending a week learning about it from actual marine biologists.

He guessed that this was probably a useful thing to learn but unfortunately the way to pick up his son would take now double the time it took before, considering that he had to pick him up coming directly from his agency.

It took him another 15 minutes to finally get to the port thanks to the awful traffic. When he finally found a place to park his car, he rushed over to the sea station his son should be at. He was ready for some whining on his side how hungry he was as well as some complaining of his teacher that would tell him yet again that he should be on time.

When he arrived, he didn't see his son in the front of the building he was waiting at yesterday. His heart sunk for a second as slight panic set in and the thought that his brat of a son walked off or even tried to find his way home all alone.

"Excuse me, have you seen a little boy?" He decided to speak to the first person that came his way which happened to be an old man.

"A little boy? Does he have spiky blond hair? I think such a boy is at the dock with Y/L" the old man replied and pointed to a path that led behind the building he was standing in front of right now. He furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion before he thanked the man and walked off. Who the hell was Hiroto with? And why would he just go with a stranger?

Whoever this Y/L was better didn't do anything to hurt his annoying but precious son.

Soon he found the said dock and to his relieve he could make out two figures sitting not too far off. One was clearly Hiroto since his spiky blond hair could be recognized at all times, but he didn't know the other one. It seemed like a young woman with (H/c) hair.

What was she doing with his son?

"Hey!" He yelled, stomping over to the two of you. The both of you peaked up looked over to where the angry voice was coming from. Hiroto immediately stood up and ran over to his dad while you could only guess that this was him, his dad. Considering that the angry male coming over to you rocked the same blond hair.

"Dad! Look, what we did today!" The boy grabbed the jeans of his father, slightly pulling at it as he wanted him to crouch down to show him his new precious possession.

Bakugou's eyes softened slightly at the excited expression of the little boy and for a second, he forgot about his previous anger. He gave in to his son and crouched before him, unconsciously scanning him for anything odd.

"Look at this!" Hiroto shove a bracelet into his face, making it impossible for the blond adult to overlook it. He blinked slightly as he observed the beautiful shellfishes it was made of. The colors seemed to complement each other perfectly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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