10 Days of Love - Day 7 | Life | Izuku x Reader

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A/N: I think I will have to rewrite this because I am not really happy with it but it isn't too bad, I guess. 

10 Days of Love - Day 7 Izuku x Reader 

"Life is not the amounts of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away"

"Why did you do this?" You jumped when Izuku raised his voice at you for the first time. Your eyes went wide and your mouth hung open. No words came out, though. His unexpected outburst made you speechless.

"Why?" His tone was a little calmer now but it didn't take a genius to know that he was beyond angry. In some way you could understand the reaction of the boy. Considering that you pretty much threw yourself right into the incoming attack of a villain in order to protect him, you would probably feel the same way as him, if it was the other way around.

Still, you didn't expect that only shortly after you woke up in your hospital room, the hero would just barge in and furious at that.

According to your doctor, the accident happened two days ago.


You were in the middle of fighting a group of villains who were responsible for quite the chaos in the city. Everything was fine. They were just some troublemakers, not some A class villains which threatened your life. You were sure that in a matter of two hours you would be back at home again.

You took down villain after villain and then everything went downhill.

You and Izuku fought back to back, so you would be able to concentrate on the villains in front of you and wouldn't have to worry that someone snuck up on you and might land a critical hit. You didn't know why exactly. Maybe you were still tired from yesterday's fight. Maybe the villain was just good at concealing himself. Maybe you had too big of an ego since nobody even scratched you until now.

Maybe it wasn't your fault at all or maybe it was.

But somehow a villain was able to get behind Izuku who didn't see it coming either. In the corner of your eyes you saw the man get ready to attack your friend. You, having no time to think of your actions, had just one thing in mind: Protecting Izuku from harm no matter what.

So with no hesitation you used your wind quirk to catapult yourself within the line of Izuku and the upcoming attack.

The One for All hero wasn't as oblivious as you believed and sensed that something was going on behind him. Unfortunately, when he turned around the only thing he saw was you getting hit by the blast, crashing down on the ground and lifelessly rolling over the street before you finally came to a halt.

The boy swore his heart stopped for a second when he say your bloody form laying there. He screamed your name, fear overtaking his senses. He took down the attacking villain in seconds and not much later he was by your side, cradling your weak body against his chest.

"Y/N" he screamed again, one of his hands found their way to your cheek, stroking it and hoping to get a reaction. You looked up at him, your vision was hazy and dark spots appeared everywhere. Still in all this mess you found his eyes.

"Izuku" you muttered, trying to smile because even though everything hurt so much, even though it felt like your body was burning but at the same time you felt nothing, you knew that he was save and that was enough for you.

He was save.

You felt a single tear dropping on your cheek and then...

The darkness took over.


You blinked at Izuku while your memories came back to you in more detail. A very subtle smile started to form.

"I am so happy that you are save. The doctor told me that you weren't hurt but I am still relieved to see you being really okay" you told him honestly, ignoring the pain in your left side. Instead you put on a brave face with your signature smile soon to follow. Izuku stared at you, his eyes were clouded with so many emotions  that he was hard to read. He couldn't understand you. There you sat, all patched up, probably still hurting but you were smiling at him like nothing happened. Your smile was just as bright as always and he didn't get why.

Or maybe he did and that was what scared him – because he was just as selfless at times but he didn't want you to be that reckless.

"Stop worrying about me! What were you thinking when you jumped in front of me?! Do you know how dangerous this was? This guy blasted a hole into your side. You could have died and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I've never felt that helpless. You didn't have to do that! I would have been fine. I would have been fine.." only now you saw how his entire body was shaking, his fists were clenched by his sides and there were tears in the corner of his eyes. This was so different from the smiley Izuku you knew but you still couldn't bring yourself to regret your actions.

"You would have done the same for me" and there it was. The answer Izuku didn't want to hear. The words that troubled him so much. He didn't care that he was a hypocrite. He only cared about your wellbeing.

"I-, that's not important. I can't lose you" he argued even though he knew that he didn't make much sense.

"Then we are on the same page because I don't want to lose you either" your smile broke his heart and at the same time made it beat so much faster. Izuku knew you and while he could tell that every word you said was the truth he knew that behind that bright smile of you was a lot of pain you tried to hide.

"Still, I couldn't have handled it, if you threw your life away for me" Izuku admitted, slowly coming closer until he stood right before the bed you were sitting on.

"I wouldn't have regretted anything. Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away and I had plenty of those moments because I am able to spend so much time with you. There isn't a moment I would not jump in to save you" you placated or at least you tried. You carefully reached out and took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers. You looked up at him, noticing the small blush that covered his entire face. When he caught you staring, he adverted his eyes shyly.

"Y-yeah, b-but that should be even more reason to live! So we can spend so much more time together!" He snapped, even though there was no aggression in his voice.

"Maybe there is one thing I would have regretted" you suddenly blurted out, surprising him.

"What?" He questioned confused of your change of heart. You smiled up at him once again before you tucked at his hand, signaling him to lean closer, which he did.

"Is it a secret?" He wondered, confused when you tucked again for him to come closer. When he finally was close enough you summoned all your strength and leaned up to kiss the boy right on the lips.

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt your lips against his. He was too shocked to kiss back right away. You pulled back soon but suddenly filled with determination Izuku chased your lips, planting another kiss on your lips. You kissed back, even though you didn't expect that. The kiss was sloppy but full of emotions.

Izuku placed his free hand on the back of your head to support you, deepening the kiss in the process. You had no clue how long you were kissing but at some point you were out of air which made you part.

When you opened your eyes you were met with a look of utter adoration and you were so sure that your eyes showed the same emotion.

"I love you, Izuku"

"I love you, too, (N/N)"

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