10 Days of Love - Day 3 | Choose me | Bakugou x Reader

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A/N: Today was my last exam!! I am freee, guys! Well, except for the assignment I have to turn in in about a month lmao. Anyway, the last 21 days were hell and now I will be able to write more again~ (without procrastinating) 

10 Days of Love - Day 3  Bakugou x Reader

"Choose me! Marry me! Let me make you happy!" 

"Choose me! Marry me! Let me make you happy!" Katsuki yelled desperately. You gasped at his declaration, feeling overwhelmed by multiple emotions.

Right now you were getting ready for your wedding which was supposed to start in about 20 minutes.

Everything was perfect.

Your hair was in a beautiful half updo with flowers carefully weaved in it.

Your make up was on point. It was rather natural but made you glow beautifully.

You wore a beautiful white dress that was tight around your torso but down the waist it fluffed up.

The only thing just wasn't perfect was that a man you didn't love was waiting for you while the man you did love stood right in front of you yelling  to come with him.

How was that not perfect? You should feel happy that Katsuki came for you. You should be happy that he still loved you. You should be happy that he might be able to save you from this nightmare that was about to become your life but how could you be happy when it came all so late?

You and Katsuki used to date from when you were in high school up to a few months ago. Long story short: You fought and broke up. Your parents who never liked him in the first place were happy that the only thing that kept you from giving in to their request to marry the son of a successful pro hero whose quirk would match perfectly well with yours was gone.

Yes, you were the victim of a quirk marriage.

Heartbroken and actually having lost the believe in love, they caught you on your weakest and before you could process what was happening you were in a wedding dress about to marry a man you didn't love.

For a second you thought it was okay. You already lost the love of your life, so why not making your parents happy? But now the object of your affection stood right in front of you and it pained you more than ever.

"Bakugou, what are you doing here? How did you even get in here?" The blond was wearing a suit but you doubted that your parents invited him.

"Getting in here was a piece of cake but that's not the fucking problem. The problem is that we split up and only 2 weeks after I see you next to this ugly face in some stupid ass magazine and only a bit later you are marrying him? What the fuck? This is your parents doing, isn't it? You wouldn't marry someone else on your own free will, would you?" His words surprised you.

"I wouldn't marry someone else on my on free will? Was he always expecting us to get back together?" Maybe it was wrong but your heart beat like crazy. You were so happy but something bothered you about all this.

"W-why haven't you come earlier? Bakugou, I am about to get married. There so many people waiting for me. There are so many expectations. You didn't call or even message me for 3 months and only when I am getting married you come here, expecting me to run away with you?" Your voice sounded so broken. Katsuki stared at you wide eyed but didn't back down in the slightest.

He was determined to leave with you today. He wouldn't lose you to some guy with a fancy quirk.

"What was I supposed to be thinking? Fuck, I wanted to reach out to you. Honestly, when you walked out of the door that day, I was so sure that we would be able to make up but then your stupid relationship with this bastard was announced shortly after and I felt so betrayed. Damn it!" he confessed, squeezing his eyes shut as if he needed to fight back tears and maybe that was even the case.

"Bakugou.." You said, suddenly feeling guilty because all this time you wanted him to reach out while you gave him the impression that you were happy with someone else. It was true that he made you walk out the door that day and that you expected him to come and apologize but when you thought about it now, would you have come for him, if it was all over the news that he was with another girl? You wouldn't have.

"Don't call me that" he growled, not having it that you addressed him by his last name, even if you weren't exactly together right now. 

"Only when your old hag announced your fucking wedding I knew this was bullshit. You weren't cheating on me, so you couldn't have known that bastard for too long. You would never marry someone that spontaneously." He continued and by now tears were pricking at the corner of your eyes. You felt torn between the man you truly loved and all the expectations of the people that waited for you out there. 

"And about your last question" he started to smirk confidently. That same smirk he had given you when he confessed while being so sure that you were head over heels for him. "I fully expect you to drop everything right now and right here and run away with me" you hated when he sounded this cocky but at the same time you missed him for that. Suddenly ready to throw away everything you leaped into his arms as good as you could with that hell of a dress.

Katsuki caught you as if he expected you to throw yourself into him. His arms went around your waist, pressing your close. He won't admit it but he has never felt more relieved in his life. He had played it cool but his heart had been shaking while waiting for your answer.

"I will!" You cried. "I choose you and I want to marry you. I want to be happy with you. It has always been you!" You blurted out, tightening your arms around his neck.

"Easy, tiger. Let's get out of here first" he chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment as well as the happiness that filled his entire body.

"I won't admit to it ever again but shitty hair kind of slapped sense into me by telling me that by not coming I would lose you forever" he surprisingly admitted.

You blinked at him, while slowly letting go.

"Then I have to thank Kiri later on, I guess" you smiled, happy that the red head made this possible.

"Hmm, whatever. At the end I had to get the girl all by myself and now let's go. I would rather sneak out than making a big deal out of it" Katsuki took your hand, leading you to the door of the dressing room.

"Wow, the great Bakugou Katsuki doesn't want to go with a blast? That's untypical" you teased, feeling more like yourself than you have in months.

"If you want to, you can go fucking in there and I will steal you away in front of all those people. I don't give a fuck "He challenged, his red orbs glaring at you. You laughed while shaking your head.

"No thank you, I just want to go home" you replied, softly squeezing his hand. A rare smile made its way on his face as he looked down at you. He squeezed your hand back and leaned over, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

"As you fucking wish"

A/N: Day three is done. I am not going to spoil who is coming next but I will give you a hint: He is pretty handy. 

I can't believe I made this joke. 

Anyway, see ya tomorrow!!

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