Chapter 1: Baby, Don't call me Sweetheart.

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Chapter one: Baby Don’t Call me Sweetheart

"Hey Rose, you want to play football tonight with me and the guys?" Ross asked with his mouth full of the food he was shoveling in his mouth. "Sure, but close your mouth." I said while throwing a grape at his head. It hit him right in between the eyes. "Score!!!" I yell and start doing a victory dance throughout the kitchen.

"Daaad, Rosy woke me up!" Julia whinnied from the livening room. "Good, you need to wake up its nine thirty." James said from the stove and then winked at me. Julia sulked into the kitchen and glared at me. "But dad I'm tired." She whinnied again. "Well, maybe if you don't stay out all night, you wouldn't be tired. Plus I'm not yelling at someone for being up in the morning." He said kissing her cheek. Julia glared at me and stormed out of the kitchen. "Morning, to you to sunshine." I said sarcastically. "Rose." James said in a warning voice.

I flashed him a smile and sat at the table. "Four years and she still doesn't like me." I grumbled as he put some eggs on plate. "Oh, don't worry about her. She will turn around." "James, the one time she was nice to me is when mom died." I mumbled into eggs. "Hey, don't worry about it." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Rosy, did you take my skirt." Juliet called down the stairs. I rolled my eyes, "Juliet, why would I steal your skirt if I don't wear skirts." I call sarcastically back up to her. "Is that eggs I smell?" Tyler says walking into the kitchen. "No, Ty it's burning peanuts." I say sarcastically. "Jeesh, someone's grumpy this morning." "Sorry, I got accused for waking up one of the princess and stealing the other ones skirt and it’s only ten." Ross, Tyler, and James just start hysterically laughing. "Oh all just laugh at an innocent little girl." I grumble storming out of the kitchen. Ross and Ty ran to my side and throw their arms around me. "Oh don't be like that Rosy. You’re playing football with us tonight, right?" Ty said.

"Yeah what time?" I asked turning to face them. "Eleven thirty." Ross said playing with his cell phone. "Ok, see you in ten minutes." I call while running up the stairs. After a taking quick five minute shower, I was standing in front of my closest trying to find a t-shirt to throw on. I was in gym shorts and sport bar. "Rose!" Ty yelled while storming into my room. Without thinking I turned around. Ty, Ross, Mark, and Mat were all in my room looking at me. "What?" I said with my hands on my hips. "Dude, you’re a girl." Mark said with a dumb look on his face.

"Nooo." Ty, Ross and I say sarcastically. "Why you guys in here?" I asked while turning around and throwing on a school t-shirt. "Why didn't you have a shirt on?" Ross countered back. "Cause this is my room and I just got out of the shower." I shot back. "Guy's let’s not bite each other’s heads off." Matt mediated. "Are we leaving?" I asked while bending down and putting my hair up. Mark came over and slapped my butt, "Yup, sweetheart." I spun up and punched him in the noise. I didn’t really mean to hit him, but one I hated being touched and it was a reflex. "Baby, don't call me sweetheart or touch me again." I said and strutted out of my room. The three other boys broke out in hysterical laughter and flowed behind me. I went to the kitchen and got tissues and an ice pack. Mark came in and sat down at the table.

"Here We don’t need the baby to cry now do we." I cooed sarcastically giving him the ice pack. The boys just continued to laugh. Julia and Juliet both walked into the kitchen both wearing short jean skirts and skin tight pink t-shirts. "Mark what happen?!" They screamed in unison and ran to him hanging all over him. With a fake pout on his face he said, "Rosy punched me." At that both the girls turned around and glared at me. "Dad Rosy punched Mark." Both girls whinnied at the same time. I just rolled my eyes and the boys continued to laugh. "What?!" James screamed storming into the kitchen. "Rosy what happen?!" James said with stern eyes.

James is really cool most times but when it comes to doing things wrong he gets really mad. "Mark slapped my butt and called me sweetheart. After Tyler and Ross barged into my room without knocking and I didn't have a shirt on." I explained. While I explained Tyler and Ross stopped laughing because they were to waiting to get in trouble, and both boys stared at the ground, like lost puppies. James came up to me and didn’t look upset, but actually proud. "While at least it was self defense." Then he turned around and glared at his boys "Don't ever let me hear that you barged in to a girl’s room like that again." "Yes, sir." They said in unison with their head hung low."And girls. Don't purposely try to get Rose in trouble." He said glaring at his girls. They glared at me and then he patted my head and left the room.

With that Tyler, Ross, Mark, Matt and I piled into my car and drove to the field where we play for fun.

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