Chapter 85. Thank You

Start from the beginning

"Surprise, Little Rajput." I hugged him.

"You came!" he squealed.

I patted his back lovingly and sat him back on the couch. He pulled me to sit beside him and showed me the drawing he was making. Then he showed me the one for which he got an A+ and told me that his teacher appreciated him a lot.

"You are really good, Veer. I wish I could draw like you," I said, and we both started laughing.

"Mumma! Look who is here!" Veer yelled and a woman in her mid-thirties climbed down the staircase.

She was clad in a floor length kimono sleeved yellow gown and her light brown hair were tied in a neat braid, flowing over her left shoulder. She reached us and took Veer in her arms, who kept pointing at me while showing his mother his drawing book.

"Ma, Sandhya didi came!" he said.

His mom glanced at me, and I noticed her eyes widen a bit before she shot me a huge smile which instantly reminded me of my childhood. I smiled back and introduced myself.

"Hi, Aunty. I am Sandhya Rai; Ved's classmate."

She put her son down and pulled me in a bone crushing hug. "Where were you all this time?"

I blinked rapidly; I didn't know how I was supposed to react.

Where was I all this time? I was at my home. Should I tell her that? But why do I feel like it would sound stupid? Better keep your mouth close, Sandhya.

She broke the hug after a few minutes and glanced at me with a loving gaze. She told me to take a seat and ordered a maid to bring some refreshments. Veer made himself comfortable on my lap and continued drawing while his Mom kept staring at me like I was some alien.

"You remember me, beta?" she asked.

"Yes, I remember you." I nodded.

She smiled delightfully and questioned me about my family and well being. When I was talking to her, I didn't feel like I was talking to a stranger or someone I met eight years ago. She had aged, but her spirit was still the same. Her light brown eyes shone brightly as her lips curled up, creating small wrinkles around her eyes.

"I am really happy to meet you again, Sandhya. I can't express my feelings in words," she said.

I was taken aback by her reaction and wanted to know the reason behind her strange liking towards me, but just at that moment, Ved made his entry and pulled my hair when he saw me.

"Didn't you say you were not coming?" he questioned and ruffled his brother's hair.

"I came to meet Veer," I replied.

He shook his head and flicked me on the chin. I glared at him and told him to stay away as he was covered in sweat. His orange coloured tank top was stuck to his torso like second skin while his black shorts were revealing his toned legs.

You are ogling too much, Sandhya.

I pursed my lips and averted my gaze. I caught his mother's curious stare and gave her an awkward smile. I lightly pushed Ved off as he began pinching my cheeks and Veer joined him too.

"Ved, go and freshen up first," his mom ordered.

"Okay, Ma," Ved answered and left after hitting me on the head.

I thought I got rid of him, but he was back within seconds and plopped down on the armrest beside his mom. I glanced at him and he winked. I stuck out my tongue at him and he threw a crayon at me.

"I am so glad you both are going to the same college," Veer's mother said.

"I am too," Ved agreed.

Was he really? He must be happy because he got to trouble me again.

"Ved keeps talking about you every time, so I wondered why he never brought you home earlier. But now that you are here, I have nothing to complain," she informed.

"Ma!" Ved whined, and his mom started laughing at his embarrassed reaction.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong," she defended. "Veer will confirm it."

Ved's younger brother nodded in response and grinned. "Bhaiyya keeps saying Sandy Pandy like a parrot all day."

"You were not supposed to say that, bro..." Ved face-plamed himself.

"Is that so?" I narrowed my eyes at Natural Heater who was changing his skin colour again.

"What are you looking at?" he mouthed.

I shook my head at him and focused on his brother who was telling me one of his stories. I felt Ved's gaze burning in my skull and for the first time, I had great difficulty in ignoring him. My head automatically turned towards him, and the way he was staring at me sent shivers down my spine.

"Sandhya, why don't you stay for lunch?" Aunty offered.

"Thank you, Aunty, but I have told my parents that I will be back within an hour. I should take my leave," I replied.

"I understand, but before you leave, I needed to thank you once again," she said, her voice becoming thin in the end.

Why was she thanking me again and again?

"If you hadn't helped me that day, then Veer wouldn't even have been in this world." She glanced at her son with glazed eyes.

I glanced at the small ball of joy in my lap and wondered just how was I responsible for his existence.

Ved hugged his mom from the side and rubbed her shoulder. She glanced at him and patted his cheek while Ved told her not to cry. I observed them carefully and noticed the drastic change in their relationship from the time I had witnessed in the past.

Unlike earlier, Ved seemed closer to his stepmother and treated her with care and respect. I quietly observed them and gave Veer's mother a small smile when she looked at me.

I had a lot of doubts in my mind, but thanks to all the experience I had gained, I felt it better not to ask anything. I just let them be and decided to leave after some time. Ved followed me when I was leaving and kept poking me. I didn't respond and observed the photo frames which were hanging on the wall.

I glanced at them randomly, but my eyes caught the image of a woman in a golden frame on the wall. I stopped in my tracks and looked at that picture curiously. The woman in the photo was really beautiful with tan skin and dark brown eyes, and equally nice, curly hair which reached her waist.

It didn't take me much time to realise that she was Ved's late mother; a flower garland was hanging from her photo frame. I glimpsed beside me and saw Ved looking at his mom with a longing look.

I moved my eyes back at the photo and saw the details given below. I read the birth date and felt really bad for her as she died too young - Ved lost his mom at a really small age. Ayush had informed me that, but I still didn't know how she died.

Again, I felt my curious mind itching to ask, but I controlled myself. I took deep breaths, but when I read the date of death, I felt my soul leaving my body; I couldn't even blink.

"Hey Sandy Pandy!" Ved shook me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded without looking at him and masked my sullen expression. I wanted to dash out of there, but then Ved would have gotten suspicious; he didn't know that I was aware of his mother's death or even knew who his mother was.

"Bye, Ved," I said and exited his house.

"Do you want me to drop you home?" he asked.

"No, thank you." I managed to shoot him a smile.

He nodded and after getting my scooter out of his parking lot, I zoomed out of there. I reminded myself to focus on driving, but Ved's mom's face kept flashing in front of my eyes.

She died when I was in fourth grade; when I topped in my class for the first time; when I teased Ved about it a lot and made fun of him. She died when I was busy ignoring her son's pain and was merrily celebrating my ninth birthday.

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