welcome to hell, park jimin.

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[chapter - 001]

dear diary. [entry - 01.]
this is stupid :<
i'm not a five year old.
so why, oh why am i writing this?
cus, i've moved to a whole new world.
a world where your divided and diced up, thrown into the deep end of the pool with out a floaty. :(
previous to this new revelation, i was home schooled. my whole life was in that old home, my first cat to my last cat. :<
now i'm in a trash public school. S.O.S !!! send help!! god diary, grow some arms and knock me out!!
no one, no oNE talks to me, i'm too good for them anyway. :/
that's not true, crap. i'm writing in pen and i can't erase it. fuck it.
i have to start my second day in less than an hour and i'm already ready to throw myself out of my window and into the fire pit below me. all though, i will say... there are some HOT dudes chilling there. may snatch one-

"jimin! hurry up, you're gonna be late!" a voice shouts aggressively from the floor below him. cutting his thoughts short.

jimin rolls his eyes, "coming mom!" he shouts back in reply, shutting his "diary" with a thud and picking his bag up.

he trundles down the stairs and comes face to face with his mom. "scowls don't suit you," jimin deadpans to his mother, her face scowling further.

"get your ass to school jimin," she's blunt, jimin sniggers.

"serious doesn't suit you either, my dear!" jimin sing songs as he leaves the front door. he slams it before she can slap him.

"rude bitch, she didn't even let me finish my entry." he mumbles, classic teen eye roll. he pulls two things from his bag, headphones and his, what he likes to think, famous pink lollipop, of course. he goes no where with out them.

for two reasons.
1, law of attraction. lollipops draw your eyes to the person responsible for sucking. they look more seductive, alluring.
2, different flavours, duh! lollipops are tasty. having one, always isn't such a trouble.

the walk to school consists of sticky lips and a whole playlist of Lana Del Ray. he's gay, what do you expect?

the short trek was gifted with sun, a hot summer approaching as spring ends.

typically, spring to summer is jimins favourite time of the year. skirts are a more appropriate clothing choice when your legs aren't snapped off from frost bite. plus, the fishnets he wears under his white skirt give him a soft edge, like a bee... there cute but one sting leaves a scar, physically or mentally.

he enters the school gates like a ghost, no one pays attention. each individual too caught up in their 4-year-cliques.
he eyes then all, picking up on the basic groups.

the court yard right corner held what jimin presumed were the 'nerds', the people that care about their futures and not just being a high school has been. peaking in high school, never smart.

to the left of them were the opposites, cheerleaders. they all seemed obsessed with status. jimin somewhat pities them. of course, this is what he's learned from years of watching classic teen movies and growing up on high school musical.

the opposite side held the art geeks, their jeans splattered with paint, almost strategically. they wore vintage clothes and held paintbrushes each. they were talented but feeding into the stereotype bored jimin. too bland.

the jocks threw a ball around and yelled aggressively if someone actually caught it! painful to watch really. some were serious about their sport careers and you could tell who they were straight from the bat. some were just horny pricks.

gamers sat at a table near the middle, eyes drained on Nintendo switches. jimin watches one boy in particular, who eyes a member of the art cliché. jimin begs in his brain, hoping he will break out from the pack and communicate to someone totally different from what they like, what their use to. the artist stares back and jimin has to physically walk inside to avoid the soul crushing frustration that takes over.

and there he was... sat alone on the floor by his locker. the loner. jimins been watching that one, even though it's been a single day jimin sees the clique-less boy as someone important to him.

he was doll like, very. his skin made of delicate porcelain and eyes sharp, beautifully designed. a kitten like nose with a shine. his face held elegance. his clothes said gothic boy. he had two eye catching, alluring piercings deep in his skin. one on his left eyebrow, two little silver balls and other in the middle of his lip, a ring.

he didn't fit it and that's why, he was jimins target.

porcelain kitty, that's loners new nickname, sits in front of jimin in english, his head always down. headphones clamped his ears.

he was so mysterious, like an unsolved puzzle.

jimin was willing to be the solution. he just needed the right method.

"welcome to hell, park jimin," the loud speaker announced.

"welcome to violence laced with lavender." - me.


took too long to start, :///

but quarantine 😳

also jimin has had a personality change,, he's more confident and bratty. hi update , this has been changed. to find out more, read pls

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