poked, prodded, pushed and popped.

94 7 16

[chapter - 004] - this is a short one.
mainly for me to get back into writing this.

dear diary. [entry - 04]

he lives in a small apartment - creepy that i know this, sure but i do.
i visited again with his homework and sure enough he was there. an older lady too, i could hear her sing in the background, her voice like honey dripping off a spoon.
but he looked well, perfect. a little shy perhaps but he was okay. i don't know why he wasn't at school but i didn't pry.
it felt wrong to even stand in the doorway, but i was there.

it felt how blinding feels, sharp and sensitive. like the blinding of the sun in your eyes. stood at the doorway of a home he's never been to before, close but not close enough. being caught stops you from doing a lot.
he was confident before he stood by the door, large strides of excitement and with a mystery to be solved, jimin was wizzing away from school.

though with each step up the stairs to min yoongis floor, jimins head pounded with lilith and her words, the guilt that he felt. the correlation to this moment and last night is minimal, jimins being good here, he's being a kind person. it's not a selfish act.
he felt almost dizzy with the last step, stepped his head was a blur.

his feet felt like they were stomping loudly, each move sending quakes through his skull. was he getting ill? or just losing control?
he was doing a kind act, not a selfish one. remember that.

jittery fingers knocked politely on the muted red toned door, but his bones felt broken and brittle. he was surely losing it.

the door opened with a hesitant swing, only a face peaking out.
"oh, it's you," he sounds disappointed. the door opens further, allowing jimin to see a small portion of the apartment, it's cozy but dull looking, no lights on. there before his was the min yoongi, the one that captured his heart in a mysterious armour.

"it's me," he sings in a jazzy tone, hands included. he's not even phased anymore, he just embarrasses himself when min yoongi is present.

he doesn't speak again, min yoongi.

jimin coughs into the awkwardness and there was a lot of it, like the atmosphere around them had turned to outer space, endless to the human eye. "um, english work for you, min yoongi," he says almost robotically, his voice sounding so weirdly monotone. he fishes around in his bag for the work, head dipped to the side as his bag rested on his hip. while yoongi looks at him with alarm.

"...thanks," he says, taking the work once it's presented to him with very little grace. jimin huffs.

"yep! no problem!" he grins, teeth on show and his eyes half moons but with squishy flesh and not beautiful craters and disposition. he must look so dumb.

he continues to stand at the door, with words lingering the tip of his tongue, dancing like a mischievous pixie. he certainly looks like he wants to speak again, his eyes lit like a candle under a dark sky.

"uh- this is normally when you leave..." yoongi speaks in tiny, like cautious glass breaking. his words sharp to the heart but they fall so delicately from his lips.

"right! yeah!" jimin giggles out, light distaste sits in his throat, the awkward lever pulled to 100. "sorry," he speaks, blush like a pretty pink rose on his nose.

yoongi nods again, waiting. he wants to shut the door but he's polite and waits for the other to leave.

he does, a little shuffle of his feet with the few head turns back to the doorway. yoongi gives a little wave before, shutting the door with great embarrassment. the school work clutched to his chest.

"who was that dear?" his grandmother says, wheeling over with a kind smile. he shakes his head, "no one, gran," though he lets a smile slip as he kisses the top of her head.

he would want to say the strange boy was a no one to him but he isn't really. he's an odd character who keeps popping up, on purpose. that irks yoongi, it's not like it's fate or destiny, the odd boys pushing himself in. yoongi doesn't like to have his bubble poked or prodded let alone pushed and popped.


there will be more to this chapter soon. :)

i'm so sorry for the delay. my mind went on a walk for a while.

thank you so much for reading,
i appreciate you <3

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