There's a gunshot beside you and a something falling in the doorway. Clementine shot someone coming in.

You: Fuck, there's more.

Clem: Aj, behind the bed.

You put the knife away and pick up a rifle. You hold it out to Clementine.

You: Trade me.

She grabs the rifle and hands you the pistol. You aim and move towards the door inch by inch.

You: Stay back.

You get to the door and look out. A rifle butt hits you in the face and you stumble into the room. You drop the pistol and grab the knife. The person that hit you grabs your arms and pins you against the wall. You're are an extreme disadvantage. You can't move and have to win on pure power.

There's a gunshot accompanied by them dying and collapsing.

You: Nice shot. Thanks.

You bend over and pick up the pistol again.

You: Balcony.

You back up slowly covering the door.

You: Aj, go first, and help Clementine across. Take the rifle.

Someone moves in and you shoot them.

You: We don't have much time. I'll kill anyone who sees where we went.

Another pops around, you have to fire two shots. What a waste.

Aj: Hand me the rifle Clem!

He's on the balcony, you're almost there. Another person comes in and you fire, hitting them in the neck. You check the magazine and see it empty.

You: Damn! Hurry up!

Clem: Aj just got across. I'm going now. You'll be right behind me right?

You: Yep!

You pull the knife out and get ready to throw it again.

Two people run in. They aren't carrying guns. They're huge. You chuck the knife at one; the other doesn't slow as his buddy dies. He rams his shoulder into you and pushes you all the way to the railing.

Unknown: HAHA! DIE!

He reminds you of Heracles. You hate that. He grabs your legs and lifts you up to throw you over.

Unknown: GOODBYE!

There's a loud bang and he lets go. He didn't throw you as much as just drop you. Your assuming Clementine or Aj shot him. Your body smacks the guard wall and you fall off the side. You feel wind push against you as you fall. Your stomach getting that horrible dropping feeling.

You act quick and reach you arm out. Your close enough that it latches onto the guard wall on the floor below you. You're holding on for dear life now. No way to get up.

Clem: Y/N!

She sounds like she's in pain. She thinks you just died. She must have missed the catch.

You: I'm fine! Go!

Clem: I can see you! You're going to fall!

You: I'll make it work! Go!

Clem: Not until you get up!

You: Damn it Clem!

You try and pull yourself up. It would be much easier with two arms.

You: Fuck!

You can't. You're starting to slip and you lack the strength of two arms.

You: Go Clementine!

Clem: No!

You: AJ!

Aj: Come on Clem!

Two hands grab yours and starts to pull.

You: Fuck! They got me! Why aren't they killing me?

They get you up to where you can see over and you see Brooklyn pulling you up. When you get to a good level you kick your leg up and use it to help pull you up.

You get over the wall and fall to the ground beside Brooklyn who is now sitting. You're both panting.

You: Thank God. You're a lifesaver.

Brooklyn: Not out yet.

You: I wish we were.

You stand up and go over to the edge.

You: Clem?!

Clem: I saw!

Good, she's ok and knows you're alive. You just hope no one finds her and Aj.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now