Happy moment

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After 6 months
It's been 6 months and I'm 8th month pregnant 🤰 the days passed on so quickly and in these months we shared the good and the bad memories.

Muhammad and I have been preparing to leave for Nigeria because next month is my due month and per instructed by the custom and tradition I have to go back home for child birth .

I have take a leave from the school due to my condition and Alhamdullilah i have received an approval for that , handling school stuffs and this situation of mine has been really tough for me but my loving husband was there for me through the difficult times and I thank Allah for blessing me with such a kind hearted and loving husband.

"Hello there Maman twins" he teases as he walked towards the parlor carrying a tray on his hands.
I pout as I ignored him , he's been teasing me with such names because of my baby bomb . He place the tray on the side table as he pulled me closer to him

"You know u look hot when angry" he wink at me
I made an o shape with my mouth as I picked the cushion pillow and start hitting him with it
"Uh uh u called me name and on top of that you are still teasing me, what kind of a husband are you" I pout as tears start to fill my eyes . Curse this pregnancy mood swings.
He was laughing non stop trying to block every hit .
"Im.. ss..sor...sorryyyyyy" he said trying to subsidize his laughter

Uh I throw the pillow away as I made my way to my room and sit on the bed.
He came to the room as he sit beside me and hugged me from behind as I struggled to get out of his hold.

But his hold was so strong as I sigh in defeat
"Aww baby I'm soo sorry Pls kimin afuwa " he said kissing my cheeks
"Um umm" I sturbornly said
"Please " he turn me around and held his ears
I smiled at him and nod my head
"You are forgiven" I said
"Oh that my baby girl"he said
"You see princess your mom is giving me a tough time can't wait to have you around and we will teach your mom a good lesson " he said while feeling my tommy just then we felt a kick as I looked at him immediately. He smiled

"Aww kinga my princess ta amince that's why she's giving you the punishment" he said in a cute way to which I only smiled
"I know you both are hungry ko let me get the food for you" he said as he left and came back with the tray.

What was on the tray made my mouth watery , it's a fruit salad with different varieties of fruits including my favorite avocados 🥑

What was on the tray made my mouth watery , it's a fruit salad with different varieties of fruits including my favorite avocados 🥑

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"Yauwa my sweet wifey Oya open your mouth"he said after filling the spoon with the fruit and moving it towards my mouth.
I opened my mouth as I felt the tastiness passing through my mouth.
We continue like that until I felt like vomiting.

"Ugrh habibi nikam na gaji da wannan exercise din " i pout sitting on the yoga mat.
"Haba baby is good for your health and the baby , kiyi hakuri muyi koda kadan ne" he pleaded
We did 2 more sit ups as we left the compound to take a bath.

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