Tour in rome, italy

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Two days later.

Amina POV
I felt someone's caressing my face as I tried to open my eyes but due to the fact that I'm tired through the long journey it was difficult for me , still the feeling did not escape me but was increasing I suddenly open my eyes just to see the face of my arrogant handsome husband smirking 😏 at me . I was totally lost in his emerald blue eyes. He snapped me out of my thoughts by clearing his throat as he smirked at me .

 He snapped me out of my thoughts by clearing his throat as he smirked at me

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"Wake up, lokacin sallah yayi" he said as he walked to the closet.
I quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up and perform ablution. I found him already on the prayer mat so I picked up my hijab from the closet and I performed my prayer.
I performed my morning azkar as muhammad was still on his prayer mat reciting the holy Quran. Masha Allah he recite it so well indeed I must say he knows his tajweed very well, he looked at me as I was busy smiling and looking at him,
He raised his eyebrows at me indicating "what's wrong"
I smiled as I nod my head
"Nothing kawai your voice is amazing" I said
He smiled as he continued reciting the holy Quran as I waited for him to finish.
I close the Quran as he kept it in a safe place .
"Do you need anything" he asked
"No " I replied
"Ok lets get some sleep" he said as we went to bed.

I woke up as I recite the dua of waking up as I saw muhammad already dressed up.
"Go and freshen up we have somewhere to go and I'm sure your hungry" he said without any emotion. I nod my head as I walked into the bathroom to freshen up.
I walked to the closet to find a casual outfit to wear . I put on a half-shoulder top with a white jeans and a brown hat, (omg guys we are in Rome so fashions call😁).

 I put on a half-shoulder top with a white jeans and a brown hat, (omg guys we are in Rome so fashions call😁)

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Amina outfit.
Muhammad came into the room as he stared at me for a while and gesture me to change my shirt , I mumbled as I picked a white shirt. He nod his head as he picked his phones and he gesture me to follow him.
Ugh I'm soo hungry and my stomach was crying .
We walked to the receptionist as he gave her the key to our room as walked out of the hotel.
Omg the street of Rome looks amazing,the people are all mingling with their business. Omg this place is beautiful ❤️
We stopped a nice restaurant to eat omg the restaurant looks beautiful .

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