Trying to mask my utter disgust, I gave him a hug and we got into the car.

"What was that?"
I asked my dad

"What was what?!"
He said raising his tone.

"We're you guys trying to set me up with Eduardo? Was that why we came here?"
I asked

My mom started to say. I could tell she was trying to get me to shut up before my dad cut her off.

"There's something we need to talk about."
My dad said in a serious tone

I replied.

"Eduardo is going to be your husband"
My dad said after pulling the car over to the side of the road.

I replied genuinely confused. My heart sank.

I always knew it was a family tradition to hand our daughters off with an arranged marriage. It started with our ancestors. I never in a million years thought that it would happen so soon. I'm only 17. And him?! HIM?! WHY?!

"Eduardo is a successful man in my line of business, he works under me and I've chosen him to be your husband. What's done is done, and you will get married to him next week."
My dad said as he got louder to talk over my crying. He put the car in drive and floored the pedal.

"Dad no!"
I said as I cried in the backseat.
My mom looked back at me and started balling with me, but she refused to say a word to my dad or stand up to him because she knew the way he was. My dad was abusive, and impulsive. He made all of the decisions and he also gave my mom the life she lives so she worships him.
I came to the realization that Eduardo and his parents knew that whole time that I was the one he was going to be marrying....I knew that this was real. This was my life. I weeped the entire car ride home. I would be treated like a slave and sold over to a disgusting man that I didn't even know and live a miserable life. No big dreams for me, no independence, just living... living to be a wife and a mother for some man who works for my father. Any inkling of excitement I had about getting to know Dave was shattered. I cried and cried and cried until I was dehydrated. My dad and I argued for about an hour after we got home and I went upstairs and re-evaluated my life until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, more traumatized than I had ever been, and I knew that this wasn't even hitting the tip of the ice berg. My parents were both going to be gone all day with work so I took a shower. I was laying down in my bed when I realized it was 1:45.
I remembered that I had made plans to hang out with Dave at two. I knew that hanging out with Dave would be going against my parents wishes but I decided that I might as well cherish my last moments of independence with a boy that I actually enjoy being around than not at all. I put on makeup, got ready quickly and headed down to the strip where I saw Dave sitting in a booth in the burger shack. Oddly enough, he was wearing a red flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off of it, white skinny jeans, and his wet thick hair messily feathering back and out of his dewy face. I stood outside and observed him the other side of the glass window just watching him as he drank his coffee, fingering through the news paper with a serious look on his face like he was really concentrating. He looked up at me and I smiled and waved at him. He waved back at me as I walked into the shack and sat down with him in the booth.

"Hi! You showed up!" Dave said cheerfully

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"Hi! You showed up!"
Dave said cheerfully

"Yes, I did totally show up!"
I replied.

I decided that I wasn't going to tell him what I was going through because I had just met him and i was scared it would drive him away. But why was he wet?

"You know.. I like... never smile, but you're smile is super contagious."
He said looking at me with his greenish brown eyes and his golden tanned skin. God it was so hard not to check out his muscles and get lost in his eyes.

"Well thank you, I'm glad I make you smile Dave... but why are you wet? I said giggling.

He took a sip from his coffee and sheepishly grinned at me

"I'm a surfer, I just got done surfing"
He said.

"Oh cool!, yeah that makes sense haha"
I replied

We talked and laughed for a bit in the shack and he invited me to go with him to a record store so he could introduce me to new music. I followed him to his car and to be met by a super expensive looking car, I mean i had never seen a foreign car like that before and my dad has everything!

"This is your car??"
I said shockingly

"Yeah? Get in "
Dave said without a second thought.

Being alone in the car with Dave felt exhilarating and amazing. He seemed to know so much that I didn't. Not about studies or homework or random facts, like real world stuff. Like living and truly enjoying life. I wanted him to show me all of it. Most of all I wondered what he did to make enough money to have such an expensive car and come to Cancun every year. He didn't strike me as the "rich stick up" type.

Dave put in a cassette tape and cranked up the music. I looked over at him and he started smiling really big and banging his head full of hair up and down. The music was like nothing I've ever heard before. It was fast, loud, angry, and full of real expression. I slowly grew a huge smile as I started falling inlove with it.

"Do you like this?!"
Dave asked me- screaming over the loud music.

"Yeah! What is it??"
I asked

"This is called metal!... this is my band actually!"
He said to me as he continued to bang his head.

His band? He made this music?

"Hahaha! Go like this!!!"
Dave said as he pointed to his head and banged harder.
I slowly started head banging with him and matched his speed.

"Brother will kill brother! Spilling blood across the land! Killing for religion, something I don't understand!"
The song screamed through the speakers in the car.

"Is this you singing?!!"

I asked brushing the hair out of my face from the wind coming through the window.

"Yeah that's me!"
He replied

I realized that Dave was a lot cooler than I thought. Fucking remarkable actually. I wanted this moment to last forever.

 I wanted this moment to last forever

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knight- a Dave Mustaine fanfic Where stories live. Discover now