He turned around to look at me.

"Hi!" he said as he chuckled and awkwardly gazed into my eyes.
"Yeah, um, can you ask this guy how much this is?"

Woah, that's a hell of a deep voice. I thought to myself.

He held up a bright blue towel that said "Cancun Mexico, 1992" in big pink letters.... "typical American tourist" I thought to myself.

I said as I proceeded to translate his question to the employee in Spanish.

"It's 10 dollars"
I said to him

"Thank you so much, you know I'm visiting here from the states and it's hard to find a translator all the time"
He said to me as he pulled out ten bucks from his wallet. He seemed to have a typical west coast accent... lucky guess. I like to watch american late night talk shows to further my speech in English.

"Yeah, I saw you from the store over there and figured you needed help. How long are you here for?"
I asked him

"Oh I'm here for about 2 weeks, I come down here every year or so."
He said to me as he smiled.

"Cool, yeah people usually come down here on vacation. I actually live about 2 blocks away from here"
I replied cheerfully

"Well I better get going, I'm meeting some friends on the beach... nice meeting you!"
He said as he started toward the door

"Okay bye!"
I replied as I started to look at some of the snow globes on the shelves. After a few seconds I turned around to see him standing right behind me.

"Actually, do you... maybe wanna go get some lunch with me?" He asked all shy.

Something told me that I should say yes. He seemed a lot more genuine then all of the people I'm usually forced to hang out with. I had nothing better to do  and...he was actually... kind of handsome?

"Um, sure!"
I said as we started to walk toward the door together.

"There's a little shack right here that has ice cream and burgers and stuff, wanna go there?"
I asked

"Okay yeah!... my name's Dave by the way"
He said as he smiled and brushed his long orange hair out of his face to counteract the breezy weather.

"I'm Astrid, nice to meet you Dave!" I said smiling back at him.

He held the door open for me as we entered the shack. We walked up to order and the man behind the counter's eyes lit up.

"Hey your Raul's daughter right?"
He asked me

"Uh.. yeah. How'd you know?"
I replied

"How would I not know, he's like famous around here!"
He said to me excitedly

"Haha I guess?"
I replied. I get comments from random people like that all the time and I still never know how to reply or handle those situations.

Somehow we both ended up ordering vanilla ice cream even though we agreed on lunch. We decided to go walk on the beach as we ate our ice cream. Dave seemed different from anyone I had met before. For starters, I had never met someone that looked quite like him before. He had a particularly strong facial structure, hazel/green eyes, and have I already mentioned the giant orange mop on his head? But most notably, he had a very masculine, yet gentle and humble nature to him.

knight- a Dave Mustaine fanfic Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin