My naughty little affair ch 2

Comincia dall'inizio

She directs me to Caelan. He rushes over to me in quick strides and embraces me giving me a quick peck on the lips. At the corner of my eye I can still see the waitress giving me the evil eye but I ignore it, and pull Caelan’s head lower towards mine and give him a passionate kiss. When i pull back he gives me a cocky grin. "What was that for?"

"Why it's just your pure sexiness of course."

He chuckles as we sit down at our table. We've always been able to joke around like this since we were little. Not many people know that we are childhood friends since we started modeling. Most people just think of us as the golden couple of the modeling world. We've been best friends since we were in diapers our fathers had been best friends from college. When we hit high school we started dating it just seemed the logical thing to do since we spent a lot of time together anyway why not start dating? Besides everyone always told is we looked so good together.

"So why did you insist that we spend the evening together?" I tease.

"Why it's because you missed me of course." he joked.

"Oh really you sure I have?" I teased him trying to hide my smile but miserably failed.

He was about to reply but the waitress came back "have you decided what you would?" she looked pointedly at Caelan. As soon as I take a closer look it looks like she has freshened herself up and added a bit more makeup to her face, and I just can't help myself I laughed. Caelan looks at me curiously.

"Caelan dear, I do believe our little waitress has a little crush on you." I giggled. Caelan just looked at the girl for the first time and her face turned bright red.

He just smiled nicely for her. "Do you mind just giving us a few extra moments I had already ordered for us the chef should know our order already." the waitress just nodded and rushed off in shame.

One of my eye brows rose "you ordered already? My aren't you just assuming things today."

He just chuckled it off.

We had a nice conversation, and caught up about each other’s work lives, it was nice. Then our surprise order that Caelan ordered for us finally arrived. I really hate it when he orders for me. But apparently he ordered just right today because he ordered me a salad I really don't like it when he Orders chicken or something I just feel so ugh eating it in front of him so I finally had to tell a little white lie and tell him I'm a vegetarian.

We ate our dinner in companionable silence. I was all ready to go home but apparently he had also prepared for us to have desert as well today.

It was a slice of chocolate cake for us both to share. I was about to take a scoop of it with my fork when I noticed the huge diamond ring sitting on top of the icing rose.

I couldn't help it I gasped. "Oh my gosh Caelan is that really what I think that is?"

He just nods his head excitedly.

"OH MY GOD Caelan! I love you so much! YES!"

He took the sticky ring and stuck it on my finger and kissed me. My arms slowly reached up and wrapped themselves around his neck.

After we've pulled away from each other Caelan said "I know that you have always wanted a winter wedding so I booked the Palace Plaza Hotel for your dream wedding a few months ago, you’re going to have only the best wedding."

A couple more weeks after the proposal

Caelan's POV

I step out of the vehicle in front of the government building. I'm here to pick up the marriage license for Marielle and I today.

I make my way into the building. I make my way towards the receptionist, as I approach closer I give her one of my best smiles.

"Hi I’m here to apply for a marriage license today."

"Your name please?" she asked without even looking up from her computer.

"Caelan Mackinlay."

That's when she took a quick glance up and completely blushed. I just smiled for her taking it as a complement and besides it helps boost my ego.

"An administrative will be with you in a few moments Mr. Mackinlay. If you could just take a seat, that would be wonderful."

I nod and make my way towards a seat in the waiting area. There are so many couples here, earlier Marielle had called me told me she would be a few moments late and that we can start without her.

I hear a door open down the hall a bit. The secretary now looks up a bit and gives me a smile Caelan you may go in now. I make my way to the open door to find a man in a suit, and I'm pretty sure he's balding.

"Mr. Mackinlay how may I help you today."

“I’m here for a marriage license my fiancée should only be a few minutes late she said that we can start without her."

"Okay well Mr. Mackinlay have a look at a few things shall we." turns toward his computer and starts typing away.

"Okay Mr. Mackinlay everything is fine all I need are your divorce papers from your previous marriage for documentation and you’re good to go."

"What previous marriage I think there has been a mistake this is my first marriage."

"Your Caelan Duncan Mackinlay right."

"Yes but I'm pretty sure that I've never been married and I'm pretty sure you have to be present for that sort of thing."

"Well in our documentation it says that you married a Rosamund Sinclair on august 20th this year."

"No that's impossi....."

'Oh shit I might have, that was the night of my cousin’s birthday and I got super drunk.'

"Can we reschedule this appointment I seem to have forgotten my divorce papers?"

"Most certainly just make a new appointment with the receptionist outside."

After making the new appointment I stepped outside into the warm air and called Marielle she didn't answer so I left a message.

"Hey Elle I have something that's come up so I've made an appointment for closer to the wedding date, love you, bye."

I then take a deep breath and dial his number. He picks up on the second ring I don't even give him enough to Time to say hello "Eric I need you to find a Rosamund Sinclair." and then I hang up, step into my car and drive off.

My Naughty Little AffairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora