Chapter Eleven

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Lucian vigorously threw clothes into his brown leather suitcase, trying to pack everything he needed for Thanksgiving Break, knowing his mom would be there soon enough to pick him up. He threw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter into the suitcase. Standing at his dresser, he wrapped his bag of weed in a sock before slipping it into the secret pocket.

He then brushed his teeth and put his toothbrush and toothpaste into a plastic bag, so he could take it home. Before he left, he knew he had to meet up with Howl, so he changed into a presentable outfit rather than his current pajamas, pulled his Converse shoes on, and headed out the door toward Howl's room. He stood outside knocking, but Howl didn't answer. Lucian prayed he hadn't left yet. As he knocked on the wooden door, someone from across the hall said that Howl had just gone downstairs carting his suitcase.

"Fuck," Lucian said out loud before bounding toward the steps. He flew down them in a frenzy, trying to catch up to Howl. When he caught up, Howl was standing at the bottom of the steps holding the door open for a couple of people. His suitcase was in his hand, and he had a backpack on. Lucian jumped down the last few steps, "Howl, I'm so glad you haven't left yet."

Howl smiled, "Did you come to find me to say your goodbyes?"

Lucian shook his head, "Yeah, also remember to call me and text me, all right?"

Howl grinned, "Do you want to walk with me? I have to meet my mom in the parking lot below the village."

Lucian shook his head, "Yeah, I'll come."

The two of them walked down the road in the cold weather talking about how much they were dreading the dinner. Lucian hadn't brought a jacket with him; the electricity in the air seemed to almost shock him. Lucian spoke, "My mom called me last night and told me that my aunt is coming with her husband to Thanksgiving, and she's bringing my cousins, so that's going to be fun. Not to mention, my stepdad's parents are going to be there as well. It's going to be complete and utter hell."

Howl laughed, "Yeah, I have to ride all the way home with my mom." He said sarcastically, "I just can't wait to have her complain about every little thing."

Lucian shoved his hands into his pockets, "I don't want this to sound weird or something, but I'm going to miss you."

Howl looked at Lucian, "Why would that sound weird?" He laughed.

Lucian shrugged, "I don't know, but make sure you text me, okay? Remember. I don't want to be stuck in that hellhole without my best friend to talk to."

"I'll text you the entire time, all right?"


"Yes, Lucian, I promise." Howl rolled his eyes, "Judy and Mel asked me to keep in touch with them too, but I honestly probably won't."

Lucian followed Howl down into the parking lot where Howl's mom was sitting in her green BMW. Howl whispered to Lucian, "There's the witch herself. Do you see her staring at me?"

Lucian's eyes darted to her then back to Howl, grinning, "Remember to–"

Howl laughed, "I will, Lucian. Now, come here and give me a hug." Lucian hugged Howl around the waist. Howl spoke, "I love you. I'll text you."

Lucian mumbled, "I love you too." He had never said those three words to anyone and meant it, aside from his mom.

He watched as Howl jogged toward his mom's car and jumped in, throwing his suitcase in the back before turning to look out the window. He waved at Lucian as his mom drove off. Lucian sighed and went to leave, but he caught sight of his own mom and motioned for her to walk up to the school with him. She turned her car off and got out, walking toward him. She wore a pair of dark jeans and a sweater. "Hey," she smiled, punching him in the arm.

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