She hummed. "I don't know... You make a good point."

Mitch began to walk alongside the side of the gorge. "Maybe we can see them from this side without having to cross."

She nodded. "We might as well try." She agreed.

Mitch nodded and continued to walk, occasionally calling out to the others.

Sqaishey joined him in calling out for the others as they searched.

Across the gorge Jerome's ears twitched and he awoke, hearing the distant call of voices. He reached over besides him and nudged Tyler. "Do you hear that?"

Tyler sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hm...? hear what?" he sounded a bit grumpy from being woken up.

"That." Jerome fell silent, another call faintly echoed across the area.

"Is that?"

"Mitch!" Jerome practically screamed and stood up, looking more than excited. "HELLOOO?!" He cupped his paws together over his snout.

Sqaishey looked up. "Did you hear that?"

Mitch perked up. "Y-yeah! This way!" He ran off into the distance.

Sqaishey ran after him. "Mitch! Slow down! You aren't fully healed!"

Mitch only ignored her, but tried his best to be careful when it came to watching his step.

Jerome looked around, expecting the others at any second. He wanted to run after their voices, yet Jordan was still passed out cold on the ground.

Tyler stayed next to Jordan's sleeping body, gently patting his back and scanning the area.

Sqaishey caught up with him and ran beside him. "You need to be careful, I know you're excited."

"I know..." Mitch panted between his steps. "But we gotta hurry before the ground decides to break on us again!"

She nodded. "Right."

"Then what are we waiting for!?" Mitch grinned and picked up speed.

"Just be careful!" She called, stumbling after him.

"Whatever you say mom!" He teased.

Sqaishey was caught off guard by that comment and just stared at him in shock before huffing. "Alright then! When we get home you're so grounded!" She teased back.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"You're the one who gave me the power to do it!" She shrugged and laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine whatever you say."

Jerome's ears continued to twitch as the sound of footsteps and yells grew closer. He nervously paces along the ground, waiting for the others to return.

"I think I see them!" Sqaishey pointed out.

"Y-yeah! G-guys!" Mitch waved his arm in the air.

Tyler was the first to notice them and called back. "Mitch! Sqaishey!" Jerome looked over to the others and grinned, but his smile quickly faded when he realized something. They were on opposite sides of the gorge.

Sqaishey ran forwards, giving a wave back but stopped a few feet away from the ledge. "Glad to see you guys are alright."

"You too!" Jerome called back. "We're good here... for um... the most part." He glanced over at Jordan.

"Uh, is he okay?" Sqaishey called.

"To be honest... We aren't sure." Tyler shook his head.

"What happened?" She asked, as she started looking for a way to bridge the gap.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now