The Captured

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As I woke up I noticed I was in a cell I looked around for Percy but I couldn't find him I decided they split us up so I decided to look around I saw that it was a cement cell with bars that didn't open which made sense Tarturas could just go through the bars outside was just a cement hall with many cells then I heard the voice I had hoped never to hear again.

"So your finally awake," Tarturas said and I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

Then I felt a dagger on my through I tried to jerk away but Tarturas was quick and grabbed my shoulder then brought the dagger up to my face then went down and sliced my arm my scream echoed in the hall then I heard Percy's yell.

"Leave her alone Tarturas torture me not her!"

"I think I might sew his mouth shut what do you think eh?" Tarturas mutters in my ear.

"No!" I yell.

"Actually I have a better Idea," he mutters.

Then he flashes me to a different cell then flashes to the cell opposite and bring a Percy up I see the cuts and whip marks oozing with blood already and knew Tarturas had already 'visited' him.

"Leave him alone!" I scream at Tarturas.

"I'm honoring his wish for me to torture him and not you," he says smiling and for what felt like forever the torture stopped.

"Ugh," Percy groaned as he was pushed into a wall then Tarturas disappears.

"Why Percy why?" I ask.

"I couldn't let you get hurt," he mutters then falls silent blacking out from the pain of all the pain.


"Carter wake up!" An urgent voice says shaking my shoulder.

"Wha? Why?" I ask still sleepy.

"Remember Percy and Annabeth taken now were taken!" The voice says I was awake now looking around finding that I was in a red room that had all kinds of curses on the walls and Set had taken our wands and staffs I tried to grab my sword from the Duat but something was interfering with me, then I heard his voice.

"Hello you two nice place isn't it?" Set said smiling as of talking with friends.

"Let us out and we won't destroy you," Sadie told Set.

"Ooh I'm so scared!" Set says pretending to tremble in fear.

"We're not afraid of you Set," Sadie threatens.

"You may not be scared of me when you have magic but you don't have magic right now and Carter, Leroy wants to say hi," Set says and suddenly the Set animal or Leroy as my brother calls it appeared and pounced at Carter intending to rip his head off his shoulders but I ran into it's side catching it by surprise but Leroy's snake tail got my arm and with Leroy jumping to the side the snake on my arm ripped through my flesh and I screamed then my vision started to turn black but I saw Carter rising off the floor in his combat avatar but fell back down running and struggling to pick me up I held back a scream as he pulled my injured arm a little we managed to start running but we weren't getting very far, I worried we wouldn't be able to escape this one.


I woke up feeling like I was in an oven then realised why I was in Surt's homeland Muspelheim Set had left me alone in the middle of nowhere, understandable because I had taken Jack off his pendant then when I was grabbed I dropped him realising the fiery grip as a fire giant and knowing if Surt got his hands on Jack then Ragnarok would likely begin.

"Finally stirred son of Frey?" A voice said sounding bored I whipped around to see a three metre tall fire giant sitting on a rock
"where did you come from?!?" I asked.

"I've been sitting here for about three hours waiting for you to wake up," he says.

Three hours? I felt like I just got taken from the tower a minute ago.

"Now what?" I ask knowing I can't fight the giant and win.

"Anything you like I've just been stationed here to keep you away from-" then he stopped suddenly.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask confused.

"Can't tell you that," he says.

Hmm might be able to learn something from this giant.

"If I tell you I'll have to kill you and that would make master angry," the giant said.

That proved another problem that I would have to avoid.

I really don't know what to do for this so I'll just skip to the end.
See ya!

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