Chapter 8: A Change of Scenery and an Unwanted Guest.

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Seemingly out of no where Henry approached Katherine, telling her that if she wished to take a few weeks off in one of his country homes she was more than welcome to. But on the condition that she must write to him every day to ease his mind of her well being. Katherine quickly accepted his terms and packed some things leaving as quickly as she could without telling anyone. 

This is how she ended up here in one of Henry's vast libraries, curled up on a window seat. She held a small green book with gold lace trim in her hands, she wasn't really reading just giving that appearance as to not be disturbed. Katherine's gaze was on the window watching small round droplets of rain trickle down the smooth glass. It had been raining almost everyday since she had arrived at the estate. She felt like god was mocking the small bubble of sorrow that had settled deep in her chest after watching Anne and Charles less than modest display. 

This feeling has caused great frustration in the girl, She wasn't supposed to care about Charles. Katherine should be happy he was no longer pestering her. Yet every time the image popped back into her head, tears began to fill her eyes and she had to force them away. No one was to see her cry over a man so stupid and arrogant as Charles Brandon the Duke of Suffolk.

It wasn't until she looked back at the now tear stained pages of her book she realized they had begun again. Quickly she shuts the book to hide the evidence of her vulnerability. She closes her eyes in an attempt to calm her nerves, slowly the heartache was fading away. Soon she was settled into the silence only broken by the crackling of a fire. That was until she was startled by a small sound of clacking against the window.

Blinking her eyes open she glances down out the window to find the source of the noise. Noting the figure of a man reaching down for another rock. Frowning she watches as he rises back up and his face comes into view. Kat soon realizes it was Brandon, drenched from the rain, throwing rocks at her window. He raises his arm to throw again and stops when he realizes she is looking at him. He stands there and motions for her to open the window looking determined. This causes the lady to roll her eyes. Rising from her seat and pulling the fabric curtains shut.

Charles who was watching down below felt his heart flutter with hope that she would open the window. When he watches her shut the curtain his blood beings to boil. There he was standing outside her window, in the rain, after riding all the way through most of the day covered in mud, to have her...a bratty little Noble refuse to speak to him.

"The little-" He closes his eyes and takes a breath then matches to the front door hammering on the door. A young maid opens it and takes in his appearence.

"M-My lord" she bows quickly and he pushes past her 

"Where is the Lady" he barks out and the maid mutters that she is in the library. Nodding Charles storms his way through the house and slams the door open. Finding the girl tucking a book away on the shelf

"My Lady, I have come to speak with you" He says and she jumps at his voice then turns to look at him irritated.

"Oh dear, I see they truly will let any sick hound into this place" she snarls at him and turns back to her shelf "I have no time for you and whatever lie you come up with"

"Lady Katherine If you would please look at me, you would indeed see I have no lies to tell you" Charles says through gritted teeth. If Katherine didn't know better she would have thought this anger was a reaction to loosing a lover. But she did know better, she knew enough not to trust a street hound that comes begging for scraps.

"Did Lady Buckingham tire of you so quickly that you had to come back and try to sink you ravenous claws into me again?" She sasses him, turning she was startles by how close he had gotten to her. His eyes flaming with agitation. 

"You are acting like a child and if you continue to do so I will have to take you over my knee and punish you like one" He says darkly, Katherine couldn't help the shiver that ran though her. This causes her to back up and look at him.

"You wouldn't dare" She snaps and realizes perhaps that wasn't the best thing to say. Before she had a chance to react Charles had grabbed her and flung her over his knee. His hands had quickly flicked up her heavy outer skirts leaving her slip to preserve her modesty. "CHARLES" she shouts as his hand comes down and delivers three harsh smacks to her bottom.

Letting her go she falls onto the floor looking up at him in utter disbelief in how he had just treated her. He smirks watching her in a disheveled state leaning forwards to rest his hands on his knees he grins.

"Will My Lady please listen to me now" He say charmingly proud of finally seeming to have control over her and the situation only to be shocked when she hurls a shoe at him. Ducking just in time it flies past his and bangs into the wall. he looks up at her shocked "Well that wasn't very proper"

"You are an ARROGANT, BIG HEADED, STUPID, MAN. I PRAY MBRISE AN DIABHAL CNáMH DO DHROMA" She screams at him. Rising to her feet and throwing another shoe at him. While he was distracted she attempts to leave the room, Charles quickly scampers towards her and grabs her waist.

"Now Now, clearly that first attempt at teaching you manners didn't work. Or perhaps you just enjoyed it and would like it to happen again?" Charles he teases and holding her wiggling form against him. She growls and continues to wiggle and attempt to elbow him in all the squishy places she could find.

"Let me go you English pig!" Kat shouts and ends up tripping him and they both fall. Charles  pinning her to the ground and she stuck looking up at him with distaste.

"You will listen to me now, then I will let you call me all the foul Scottish things you can think of" Charles says straddling her hips, pinning her hands above her head. Looking down at her huffing, his brown curls dangling in his eyes dripping from the rain. His wet clothes now staining her soft blue gown, she looked at him with utter hatred. 

"I will not lie to you and say that the display with lady Buckingham wasn't my fault. I had lead her to believe that I had certain intentions towards her but she had yet to find that my true attentions where for you. When I saw you dancing with Anthony I was overcome with such jealousy that I let Lady Buckingham lay her lips upon me with little quarrel or resistance because I wanted you to be jealous. After I found out that this act had driven you away from me I decided I must come and right things with you dear lady. Please I beg of you to forgive my transgression and allow me back into your good graces. if not at once but eventually"

Katherine had laid still and listened to Charles' speech, her face turn a bright red as she attempted to keep back tears. At first she promised herself not to forgive him, vowed to be angry at him forever. But at the sound of his words her heart fluttered she soon found herself falling for his lies. Blinking up at him she watches him pant and clearly expecting an answer from her as they both look at one another.

"Get. off. Me." is all she could muster at the moment and he does. Katherine then stands and quickly runs from the room at once just as one of the servants comes in and looks at Brandon tiling his head.

"Ready me a room, The king has sent me to keep an eye on her" Charles says before moving back and closing the window.


what is happening


I don't even know anymore, the Gaelic is "I pray the devil breaks the bone of your back"

cause go big or go home am I right 

(I have just noticed all of these notes are from when I was just drafting this story

But I think its funny for you all to see my thought process, so imma just leave it)

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