Chapter 7: Liars Make Terrible Company

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Anthony waited anxiously beside Charles. His knee was bouncing while he was waiting for Lady Macbeth to make her entrance, he was ecstatic he had been accepted back into her good graces. Charles watched Knivert for a moment before smacking his leg in irritation.

"Would you stop that, you are shaking the entire table" Charles chides and watches Anthony as his eyes light up. Soon following his gaze and having it land on Lady Katherine as she moves gracefully into the hall. She was in a deep red gown, detailed with gold embroidery and a beautiful rope of peals resting strung around her neck, her black curls pulled half up with small flowers braided into it. Katherine was absolutely stunning and both men where at a loss for words once she neared them, Anthony was the first to be spurred into action. 

"My Lady Katherine" Anthony says taking her hand and placing a kiss upon her knuckles "I am so pleased to-" before he could finish Charles chimes in taking her hand from Anthony and smiling charmingly at her. 

"Katherine, you look absolutely stunning this evening. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company" Charles smirks and kisses her hand, still holding it as he speaks. Resting the palm of her hand against his chest.

"I came to dine with Sir Knivert" She says her eyes focused on Anthony slowly pulling her hand back from Charles grip. This made the Duke frown as he watches the two exchanges smiles as Kat moves to take Anthony's arm. 

"Would either of you object if I joined, I think it's only fair. Since I am courting the fair lady, that we share a meal" Charles says and Anthony's head snaps towards him while Katherine remains unfazed.

"You are in a courtship with Charles?" Anthony asks almost hurt at the idea 

"It appears so, but we have only been on walks in the garden." Katherine states watching Brandon as he moves Anthony aside pulling the chair out for the lady.

"And neither of you thought to tell me?" Anthony asks taking a seat beside Katherine before Charles could, forcing him to sit across from her. 

"It is fairly new Anthony, only a few weeks old." Charles smirks at him and takes a sip of wine.

Katherine rolls her eyes as the two men glare between one another, she glances around the room and notices Anne Buckingham glaring at her while whispering in another lady's ear who then glances over at the three. Katherine's face and chest suddenly heats up as she knows they are speaking about her. 

"Mackie what's wrong?" Anthony asks bringing her attention to him

"Nothing, just a bit hot is all" She lies and quickly takes Charles wine goblet in her hand and  drinks deeply, she had not yet poured her own. While taking this drink she misses the way Anthony glares at Charles who only returns it with a smirk.

"Well we must find a way to cool you down, perhaps a walk?" Charles smirks taking the goblet back from her brushing their fingers together and she shakes her head.

"No thank you Charles I am fine here" She sighs and grabs a piece of bread eating it slowly, glancing towards the window.

"Its those gossiping little birds isn't it" Anthony says looking over at the women who where still chattering and whispering to each other 

"It doesn't matter" she sighs rubbing her face "I wish to dance" 

Anthony rises and takes her hand silently saying that he would be her partner as they move towards the dance floor. They dance for a while, Katherine quickly forgetting her troubles with Brandon and Anne and her father, focusing on how it happy she felt to at least have Anthony back to being her dear friend. The pair danced for long time, she was so happy nothing could ruin this moment. That was until Anthony spun her around and she stopped giggling looking up and freezing.  Anne was perched on Charles lap, her arms wrapped around him and kissing him deeply. His hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer to him. Anthony followed her gaze and noticed the pair, he also notices how Katherine's body language changed. Her shoulders fell and her hands turned into fists as she watched the exchange.

"Mac-" She quickly holds up her hand and lifts her chin

"Lets not speak about this Anthony. Please let's just dance" Kat says turning back to Anthony and spending the rest  of the evening dancing and staying far away from Charles Brandon as possible.


King Henry had grown very worried for his young ward. Katherine was no longer leaving her room, his thoughts where consumed with keeping her happy. Henry had learned that not everyone close to him really cared about his well being. All they wanted was to control him and the throne. Kat was different however, she didn't care much for politics and game playing. This made Henry feel safe in her presents and wanted the best for her. Even though Henry was fond of Katherine the Boleyn Family was not. Lord Boleyn wanted Lady Macbeth out of the way so that is how Anne found her way sitting in front of his majesty.

"My love, Perhaps if Katherine got to have some time alone...perhaps in the country...she would come back to herself" Lady Anne Boleyn says gently leaning forwards to take the kings hands in hers.

"I don't think that is a good idea" He states and pulls back "Our enemies can get her there" 

"Henry, they wouldn't dare hurt a ward of the King, especially if only you and I have the knowledge of where she is going" Anne presses moving closer to him now. "She is so unhappy, In order to get her back to herself. Perhaps she just needs time to herself. Without Charles or Anthony breathing down her neck" 

Henry sighs rubbing his face and looks up at her for a moment studying her eyes. Anne was right, It didn't seem fair to keep Katherine holed up in the place she hated the most. Yes the best way to bring her back, was to let her have solitude in the countryside. He knew how much she missed the highland Moores she once roomed before being brought here while her father fought with the clans. 

"Alright, I shall tell her" He rises and Anne bites her lip nodding moving aside to let him go.

She watches the King take his exit and let out a long breath closing her eyes, That Scottish bitch was going to be harder to get rid of than her father and herself had initially thought. Kat clearly had no interested in the King, But he had a great deal of trust and loyalty to her. This would pose a problem for Anne should the young maiden decided that Catherine of Aragon should stay in the picture. She would have to get her father to speak with Charles and have them attempt to occupy more of the girls attentions.







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