Chapter 1: Prickly Women

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Lady Katherine Macbeth absolutely hated court. She hated the politics, the people, all the parties, all the rules and most importantly she hated watching the men show themselves off like preening peacocks. Right now Kat was standing with a group of ladies, most of whom where whispering and giggling over the current tennis match taking place. She nods and smiles politely every so often as they address her then go back to whispering about how handsome each man was. Katherine of course wasn't blind, the King clearly liked having handsome friends. The only problem is that most of these men had a tendency to let their hands wander.

One such man stood before her now, Sir Charles Brandon. The Duke of Suffolk and the most well known womanizer in all of England. He whispers something in the Kings ear that has both men glancing in the direction of Katherine and the gaggle of ladies who suddenly all straighten and push out their chests in an attempt to look alluring. It takes everything in her not to laugh at the outrageous display. Instead she turns and moves towards the door, passing by lady Buckingham who quickly grabs her arm.

"Lady Katherine, Please stay a moment and watch with me. I think Brandon has finally noticed my existance and I do wish you to confirm that I am not mad" Anne whispers excitedly.

"Lady Anne, are you sure you want his attention. That man and his wondering hands have quite the reputation" Kat whispers back and looks up towards the court.

"Of course I am sure, he is handsome, young, and the scandal of it all would kill my father! You know how much these small rebellions mean to me" Anne giggles and Katherine shakes her head. 

"You are as mad as they come, why not go for Mr Knivert. He is soon to be a knight and is very clearly sweet on you" She hums at her dear friend patting her hand as the match resumes

"Anthony is not as handsome as Charles! He wouldn't want to kiss me let alone anything else for fear of my father." Anne huffs "Must you always try to ruin my fun"

"Yes, because clearly one of us has to be the voice of reason" Katherine laughs and watches the match, her eyes wondering to Anthony. He had become quite a close friend to Kat since he set his sights on Anne. She has deduced that he wanted to use her as a talking point with Anne but didn't mind, often preferring his company over anyone else's.

The match soon finished with the King winning. The crowd began to dismiss and Katherine bid Anne a quick goodbye. Moving from the room before she could be stopped again. Lifting up her skirts she made her way to the garden. Taking a spot under a large willow tree, the branches swayed with the soft summer breeze, the kind that was warm and brings the scents of wildflowers. 

Opening the book she had quickly stolen away from the library Kat soon began to read. Happy to be alone with her own company and not worry about smiling and curtsying and pretending to care about whatever nonsense was being shared. Hours passed by the quickest this way in Katherine's opinion. When she was alone and in the company of a good poet, life seemed easier. It wasn't until she heard Anthony's unmistakable laugh that she was drawn out of her own little world. 

"You know no man will ever fancy you if you keep your nose stuck in that book Mackie" Anthony calls across the field, jogging to meet her. 

"Well, No women will every fancy you if you keep wearing that hideous doublet" Kat called back with a small smile playing on her lips. This makes him laugh again before falling down on the grass beside her. 

"You know this is my favourite one!" He exclaims and pokes her side cause a small giggle to burst from her lips.

"And you know that when you are addressing a Lady, you should bow and use her title. Not the stupid nickname that is very uninspired, which you came up with while drunk." She teases him back, turning to her book.

"I am so sorry your grace" He says rising and giving her an over exaggerated bow "It will Never happen again."

"Oh don't make promises you can't keep" She says playfully, looking at him gently, shutting her book realizing there was no hope of finishing it with him here. She then tucks a lock of her black curls behind her ear. "What is the reason for this most annoying interruption" watching as he pulls two apples from his pockets and hands one over to her.

"I saw you at the match earlier, looking unimpressed as always." He teases, "But lady Anne was able to pull a smile from your lips and I wish to know how? Was it about me by chance?" Anthony jokes, which causes her eyes to roll. 'Of course he was going to bring her up, he always does' she thinks before letting out a sigh.

"No Anthony. We where speaking about Sir Brandon." Kat says a little exhasperated "I did try to mention you, but she wasn't listening to me" She say truthfully taking a bite from the fruit in her hands. She doesn't need to look at Anthony to know this revelation wounded him. 

"I see" He replies and flops back onto the grass gazing up at the swaying tree branches. "Kat, be candid with I wasting my time chasing after her?" 

Katherine pauses a moment, deciding what the best course of action would be when answering a question that sensitive. Before she even had a chance to speak another round of laughter filled the air, Mr. William Compton and Sir Charles Brandon come into view pushing one another. Kat huffs and looks at Anthony before rising.

"Wait, Kat you never answered my question" He says reaching to grasp her wrist

"That's because I am sure you already know the answer" She says pulling back and turning to move in the other direction, not wishing to deal with either of his friends. 

Anthony huffs but relents and watches her scurry off. His friends join him and watching her go as well.

"Anthony! Getting closer to Lady Macbeth are we" William teases and nudges Anthony's foot earning a laugh from Charles. 

"Shut up, you two are the ones who scared her off. She was just going to tell me if I had gained any affection from her friend" Anthony mutters, rising to his feet. 

"Chances are she was going to say you hadn't" Charles jests and elbows Anthony, "I don't think Ill ever understand why you aren't just chasing her skirt. I mean look at her back end" he whistles tilting his head as he stares after Lady Katherine. Enjoying the way her hips swayed as she moved through the gardens.

"Shut up Charles" Anthony scolds  "She's just not, what you'd call...Courtable, far to prickly. I'm beginning to think she just doesn't like men" He laughs, rubbing his jaw. Little did he know that ones voice travels very clearly across an empty field. Especially when a voice is loud enough to be hear across a dance floor at a normal volume. 

Lady Katherine had heard every word that came from Anthony's mouth. Hearing now that the reason he never tried to put his hand up her skirts was simply because he didn't find her worth the effort.

 She wasn't sure what hurt the most, his cruel mocking words to his friends. Or the notion that he would rather chase after a girl who never noticed him rather than one who was willing to deal with his wining and easily bruised ego.


I have no idea what I am trying to accomplish with this story

but I felt the need to write some period piece drama and here it is.

Court Affairs (Charles Brandon Love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora