Try Again, Please!

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Flooing to Diagon Alley was more nerve wracking that he would have expected. Harry was draped in a thick black cloak to hide his features, and trying to hold it close to himself while flying through the floo system was rather better said than done. Trying to not have it fly in a direction and get cut off in the network was difficult, Harry was relieved when he reached the other side and stumbled onto the other side. Quickly, he scrambled away from the fireplace and to Tiernan who went in before him, feeling up his head to make sure the hood of the cloak covered his features Tiernan peered around them with a nervous expression on his face.

"Looks busy today," Tiernan nervously said as he gestured out into the bustling side walks. Harry looked out on the crowd, none paying them any mind as he pursed his lips.

"We'll be fine," Harry soothed, "The daily prophet didn't provide a picture of what I look like, a small description of my appearance won't make someone kill me."

"You are striking," Tiernan murmured quietly as they awaited Slughorn, "you have some very defining features, even the way you talk or carry yourself-"

"All they know is I'm an estimated 5'10 skinny male, with long black hair that goes just below my shoulder with pale skin and green eyes," Harry tried to comfort, "They don't know any of my scars, my speech patterns, nor how I carry myself."

"What if someone recognizes you?" Tiernan tightly asked, his hands drifting to his pockets where he surely gripped his wand, "Diagon alley is busy, you never know who's here."

"We aren't lingering or anything," Harry said just as Slughorn paced his way out of one of the fireplaces and quickly came up to them, "Plus, no one will scream my name, alerting the crowds of my presence so I'm not worried."

"Still," Tiernan cautiously bit his lip.

"Oh, Mr. Lestrange, I will assure you nothing will happen to anyone with me here," Slughorn firmly said, before he glanced out into the crowd and grimaced slightly, "Let's go, the quicker we get to Gringotts, the better for all our sakes."

Silently the three inserted themselves into the crowd, Tiernan walking particularly close to Harry while Slughorn walked slightly in front of them. They were all quiet, the only noise from them was footsteps and a barely audible humming from Slughorn. Harry kept his head down as they walked, despite his reassurances to Tiernan, he wasn't confident in the idea no one could potentially sling a spell at him. Sure, they shouldn't know who he is, but context clues left a cautious paper trail in his wake. Tiernan was a known friend of his, and seeing him and a teacher with an unknown cloaked figure was suspicious. Being that Nott, Avery, and Malfoy must have spread the information to fellow pure-bloods that Tiernan was no longer associated with any of them than pure-bloods wouldn't think it'd be any of them. Plus, if this Malfoy was anything like Draco, the whole world must know that the filthy Tiernan Lestrange only spends time with his fairy friend Peverell.

Frowning slightly, Harry felt relieved as the wards of Gringotts grew ever closer. Safety in a sea of danger, a life boat in the ocean, a light in a cave and a knife in the woods. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he couldn't help but pick up his pace slightly, in nervous eagerness. With ever footsteps his mind greedily whispered sweet things, the Gaunt Ring bridging his past friends with himself, the cloak bringing safety, the wand... the wand was staying. But other than the hallows, he had things Death left from his past life, things that were important to him. Harry could only guess what Death decided he would want, but somethings were very obvious. Like, his photo album, the Marauders Map, the glass shard Sirius gave him, and maybe the Golden Snitch left to him from Dumbledore.

"Uh, you doing okay?" Tiernan whispered over to him, drawing Harry from his thoughts. Harry looked over to Tiernan quizzically and he elaborated, "You look like you're... y'know thinking about some dark things or whatever. I know with everything going on, it's hard to keep a good mindset on everything, but you have to try."

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