Nothing Could Ruin Today!

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After an agonizing time of someone who was definitely not Madam Malkin taking long uncomfortable measurements for Harry's Hogwarts robes, he really missed some sort of company at this point. As nice as the person measuring Harry was, he couldn't help but not like being measured. With no one rambling about Quidditch, some fascinating book, or laughing at some joke, it really made him aware of how alone he was. It was really just starting to settle on him the fact that minus the horrible summers he always had a friend, someone to laugh with and talk with. If Draco Malfoy storde up to him and started to sneer about how Harry wasn't passing as a pure-blood, and his mimics were useless and he should just go and be a Mud-blood elsewhere, Harry would enjoy that interaction and some malformed way. Hopefully I'll make some friends at Hogwarts, Harry tried suggesting to himself but a nihilistic voice reminded him this wasn't first year and he wasn't the great Harry Potter anymore.

"Right," drawled the voice of the robe measuring person, "Got the measurements done, be back in an hour for pick up. What name will the order be under?"

"Peverell, Ma'am," Harry answered, as the woman's heels clicked against the floor.

"Rightttt, now shoo, I don't need you loitering," The woman coldly stated.

Harry had no want to loiter, he had much more exciting things to do. Quickly go to Knockturn Alley, then a trip to Gringotts. Without another word, stood from the stool he was told to sit to collect the last few measurements and was quick to grab his trunk to quickly get out of this store. With his shoes clicking against the floor and his trunk's wheels humming against the ground, he burst from the establishment and took a breath of fresh air. The air in the robe shop was filled with a dusty smell that tickled his nose, so being in the air of Diagon Alley again was refreshing. Peering across the street with a pleased look he say the dimly lit entrance to Knockturn Alley that was worryingly more busy than Diagon Alley itself. Taking the first steps towards the threshold of the next adventure, he was not sure about going into the packed likes of Knockturn without a wand. As unlikely as it was, his concerns were very valid. Trying not to show his hesitancy, he didn't slow his pace to a hover like he wanted to outside the Alley. This may be very stupid, Harry thought to himself as he refrained from taking a deep breath as he steped inside.

Knockturn somehow seemed darker than he remembered, with more dark side alleys and dark niches where he could see the clear outline of people. Mind your own business, Harry told himself trying to push away anxiety that was spiking his heart rate that was thumping mildly in his ears, no one should have any reason to come after me. They don't know who I am, and I should be fine.

Despite comforting reminders he found himself feeling an eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach and a squirming feeling under his skin as he couldn't help but notice people watching him. I'm just being paranoid, Harry tried to say to himself when he noticed someone start walking straight towards him.

With poofy long hair and a dark look on his face, the man prowled forward. Harry felt his stomach drop but he tried not to showcase his wariness as the man approached. The man grinned fully at him, seemingly satisfied by the attention of Harry, in this grin he revealed two large fangs. Vampire, Harry felt cold as he tried not to outwardly show his trickling fear.

"What's a pretty fellow like you, coming down our alley, Kiddo?" The man sneered, standing imposingly in front of him, blocking him from moving forward.

Fuck, shit, fuck, fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfu- "Shopping," Harry aloofly answered trying to make sure he had a poker face.

"I can hear your fear," The man laughed highly, his eyes flashing red with a predatory hunger.

Harry's face turned blank, what could he logically respond with. He had no wand, no friends to back him, he was alone. Death said I had wandless magic! Harry frantically reminded himself, feeling himself panic. Try to defend yourself, c'mon it can't be to hard.

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