Tonight was the Night

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 Waking up to last night's mistakes was entertaining to Harry, most were miserable and hung over or just like him, laughing at the misery of others. The dorm stirring is what woke Harry that Sunday morning, it was an annoying sound that clung and refused to go away. Malfoy was moaning about how he felt like shit to a uncaring Nott who seemingly waved him off as the Malfoy got no response. The distinctness of the noise in the room, and the fact it probably wouldn't just go away soon, Harry sat up and yawned. The curtains of his bed were shut, he had no concern over someone watching his stretching routine as he lifted his arms over his head, and then behind his back until he heard a satisfying pop where he groaned quietly. Wand at his side, he opened his curtains. The people in the dorms silenced as they watched the curtain swing open, Riddle was eyeing with slight interest, wondering if he was also hungover and miserable.

Harry felt fine, it felt almost like every morning besides the said hungover and miserable people all over the room. Tiernan must have heard Harry open his curtains as a second later he thundered out of bed, Malfoy cussed at the loud noise as Tiernan nearly slipped on the floor with his slick socks as he hurried over to Harry a scheming look on his face. Tiernan was watched with sour looks as he pranced his merry self over to Harry and sat next to him on the bed.

Tiernan decidedly didn't say anything only smiled at everyone in the room, none of them said anything directly but Malfoy mumbled something under his breath as he scurried to the bathroom. It was easy to tell who was hung over and who wasn't, Nott, Malfoy and Avery were critically hung over. Avery looked sick to his stomach with a bucket sitting next to his bed as he leaned over it in clear preparation while Nott was laying on his bed with no blanket over himself, but a cold pillow on his face. Riddle was just looking people over, his current target was Tiernan who noticed and grinned in an obnoxious way at him. Black just looked depressed, he was awake and by his habitats he looked normal besides the, well, depression. Black was fiddling with his wand a scowl on his face as he was clearly thinking something over.

Harry decided to placidly fiddle with his hair and coincidentally he heard a loud but largely incoherent comment from Malfoy who was preening over himself in the mirror, as the pink haired fellow lacked energy to close the door so Harry, and anyone else on his side of the wall, could see directly in the bathroom with ease. Ignoring that Harry frowned and peered around the room, he found himself having no need to stick around.

"Wanna go to breakfast?" Harry asked Tiernan who took a moment answering, his gazing falling to Black for a moment.

"Nah," Tiernan hummed as he fell back onto Harry's bed, "I feel like, I dunno, I kinda just wanna chill for awhile, y'know?"

"Sure," Harry agreed, as he made sure to hold onto his wand as he shuffled back against the wall, "What do you wanna do today?"

"Depends," Tiernan drawled, folding his arms carefully under his head, "Like, we got your broom, I currently am not hung over, unlike others, but I feel lazy as all hell."

Harry hummed, but knew it was all a waiting game. The subject they were waiting for? Black. Harry was assuming Tiernan wanted to wait until all of Riddle's group leaves, minus Black and talk to him. Or wait until Black leaves alone and follow after him. Either one would work to accomplish the goal at hand; which was basically for Harry to offer his assistance in helping the young Sirius, which would hopefully lead to Black in his group. Harry has been doing next to nothing the few weeks he's been here, so making a move that would both challenge Riddle again and simply move to his own goals would be helpful. Harry didn't appreciate the not so kind words Black said that caused him to be gifted pink hair, but for all Harry knew it was just him lashing out with recent events.

Everything around him had potential, he was leaving slack in his line he needed to pick up. Harry still hasn't gone to talk to the basilisk or try to comfort Myrtle, he needed to start enacting a plan if he dare said he had one. Harry needed to start blocking and covering as many paths as he could, for one he couldn't let Riddle get into the Chamber of Secrets. That was something he needed to hide, perhaps a glamour on the snake symbol, that was one of the most obvious indications of it in the bathroom and surely how Riddle found it. Horcruxes was also a thing he needed to deal with, Harry doesn't think Riddle had any yet, and without the chamber the diary wouldn't become his first. The murders of the Riddle family was something he needed to think over, that was going to be something slightly more difficult to stop. He couldn't exactly show Riddle a future snake inspired picture of himself and be like, 'do this shit, this is what you'll look like. Don't do horcruxes'.

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