Chapter 41

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Dean POV

My patience is wearing thin. There is one thing that I'm sure about and that is this crazy uncle and his family are officially disowned. Well, that is just my opinion, but I'm hoping that Detrick agrees with me. He doesn't need to deal with crazy family members like him.

Ugh... Just thinking about that crazy man and his family is driving me crazy.

It has been over a month since we have been dealing with this issue and my father isn't giving me any signs that we are any closer to getting this resolved than we were when it all started.

Oh, leave me alone with that man and I'll teach him a lesson and get him on the right path. However, I know that my father along with Tae's father are trying to handle this properly through the appropriate business channels, but I don't want to wait any longer. I need Detrick to be able to relax, along with Tee. Those two are walking on eggshells, which means that Tae and I are stressed even more because of our boyfriends.

Which is why, Tae and I are now sitting on the bed in my spare bedroom, where Tae and Tee have been staying. I glance at the door and then back at Tae. "Are you pressuring your father to speed this up? I have been badgering my father, but I don't think it is helping any."

Tae sighs and glances at the bedroom door. "Yeah. Every chance I get, I will try to talk my father into resolving this sooner instead of later. I have even suggested that my engineering gang can go and rough up the boss a little to push it along, but he won't agree to that." He rolls his eyes. "Dad mumbles some garbage about not letting us get into trouble with the wrong people. I don't know. I usually stop listening to him as soon as he refuses to use force."

Shit! I nod my head. We are doing the same thing, but nothing is happening.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. There has to be something that we can do to get this resolved and fast, but what.

Lost in thought, I suddenly jump as the bedroom door swings open, and Tee and Detrick walk in. Dang it. We are supposed to be hiding from them. Neither Tae nor I want them to know what we are talking about. I don't know about Tae, but I don't want to upset Detrick when I suggest using violence against his uncle. However, I can see Detrick getting frustrated with the situation too, but I don't think that he is to the point that he would allow violence yet.

Tee stomps into the room and crosses his arms over his chest as he huffs, "What are you two talking about? You better not be in here talking about Uncle Ted without us."

Shit. This isn't good.

I quickly glance towards Tae, who isn't saying anything. He doesn't even look at me. Instead, his eyes are glued onto Tee as he gulps.

Now, what are we going to do?

My attention is pulled back to the doorway, when I hear a tapping sound. My eyes land on Detrick, who has his hands on his hips while he is tapping his foot. Oh, this isn't good.

I gulp as I keep my eyes locked on Detrick.

He lets out a deep breath before he huffs, "Based on the look of fear in both of your eyes, I'm assuming that Tee is correct that you were talking about Uncle Ted. I thought we promised to talk to each other about everything and not to hide anything. Sssssssooooo.... Are you hiding something from us?"

I quickly look at Tae, who looks like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. We really can't lie, because Tee and Detrick know the truth.

I turn my attention back to Tee and Detrick, and I slowly let out a deep breath. Well, here goes nothing. "Well, we weren't really hiding anything. We just wanted to talk about the crazy uncle situation without upsetting you two."

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