Chapter 13

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


I'm so proud of my brother. I finally got him to give up on his disguises. Well, it took several weeks to get him to completely give them up, but he has finally done it. Not only that, Detrick is holding his head up high now. We still have to work on some of his other confidence issues, but he is coming along really well. Pretty soon, you won't be able to tell which one of us is Detrick and which one is me.

I look around the classroom as I wait for Godt and Copter to arrive. I wasn't able to spend as much with Detrick this morning, because he had to go to the art building early. So, for once, I actually beat Godt and Copter to the classroom.

I finish pulling my things out of my bag and set them on my desk. I pull my phone out and check the time. Oh, I have at least 10 minutes before Godt and Copter get here. I might as well see what is new on social media.

I used to not worry about what is there, but since I found Detrick, I check it frequently just in case there is something about him there. I don't want something to get out of hand, and I take my brother role and responsibilities very seriously.

I scroll through my social media pages and then Detrick's pages. There doesn't seem to be anything new, but I've already become familiar with where to look. The people don't do it on our individual pages, but they seem to get their kicks off of putting it on the university board instead. I'm very fortunate that Tae is the leader of the engineering department, because the engineering students also help to find things and take care of them. I'm so glad that I have a lot of help. If I was doing it all alone, I don't think that I could have handled it. Some days, there is just too much.

After looking at our individual pages, I hop over to the university board. Initially, I find the same old stuff.

I sigh and shake my head. When are these people going to remember that their friends come before a lover?

Then my finger hesitates as my eyes zoom in on a title. "Identical Twins: Are Tee and Detrick really identical?"

What the hell??

My finger immediately clicks on the link before my mind can even register what is going on. I begin reading through what is posted as anger starts to consume me. Who would write anything like this?

Whoever did this knows about Detrick's history. They have too many details correct about Detrick's life in the United States.

As my grip begins to tighten around my phone, I take a deep breath. I need this gone and gone now. No one should be posting my brother's personal information on the internet. The only person that has the right to do that is Detrick. I wouldn't even think about giving out that information and I'm his brother.

I quickly call Tae.


"Hey, baby. Do what's up?"

I take another deep breath. I have to remain calm, but right now, I want hit whoever did this to Detrick.

With my teeth gritted, I growl, "Someone put some of Detrick's personal information on the university's board. I want it taken down now."

Tae shouts, "What? Hold on. Max, look on the university board. Tee is saying that someone posted D's info."

I continue to take deep breaths trying to calm myself down. However, it doesn't seem to be working. The more that I think about it, the madder I'm getting.

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