Chapter 10

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


It took us most of the day, but we finally got Detrick calmed down. I know that he is going through a lot right now. I'm not even going to begin to say that I have any clue how he feels. I can only imagine that it is terrible. Well, that is what I would feel if I woke up one day and found out that the family that I thought I had all these years really isn't my family. Instead the person that I thought was my mother is actually my kidnapper. It would rip me apart.

I'm so glad that Tee and I went to Detrick's apartment.  Tee kept telling me last night and all morning that Detrick is worked up and is in pain. Well, that is a little bit of an understatement, but he was right again. I'm still amazed each and every time he does this.

Okay, I was a little irritated at first when he said that he could feel that someone was watching him, but when we found out that it was Detrick trying to see what Tee looked like and was wondering if they were family, my anger vanished.

I love Tee too much to get upset with his brother when all he is trying to do is to figure out what is going on.

However, after this long weekend, I really wanted some time alone with Tee. After all, we have spent most of the weekend with his brother, which I don't regret, but that means that I wasn't able to get my regular taste of Tee. I can't go without a taste of him when he is right next to me.

When I finally talked him into leaving his brother at the apartment and for us to come back to Tee's dorm room, I didn't waste any time in devouring and ravaging my gorgeous boyfriend. I don't want to go overboard, since we have class tomorrow, but we did have several rounds.

I look down at Tee's naked back and I slowly glide my fingertips down his spine. I put my other hand behind my head on the pillow.

I could sit and look at him all day. He is just too gorgeous not to stare at.

Tee snuggles his head a little farther up my shoulder, so it is tucked tight up against my chin as one of his hands aimlessly glides around my chest. Too bad the sheet is covering our lower half. I love to look at all of Tee's naked body. Well, I have seen it a lot, but it is never enough.

Tee hums, "Tae."

"What, baby?"

With his head still tucked under my chin, he asks, "What should I do now? I know that my family, especially my parents, would love to see Detrick, but I'm afraid that if I tell them now, they won't be able to hold back. My biggest fear is that they come rushing to Detrick and he has a panic attack or something. You saw what he was like this morning when we go there. I just don't know what to do now."

I don't have any idea what the best thing to do is either. I've never been in a situation like this, and I hope that I never do in the future. I would have never thought in a million years that we would be going through something like this.

I shake my head. "I agree that telling your family right now, probably isn't the best thing to do. Unless, Detrick asks for it. Then we can, but you will have to warn them not to overwhelm him. He is still trying to figure out what is going on." I kiss the top of Tee's head. "He is also having to deal with the fact that his whole life has been a lie. A very bad lie."

Tee sighs. "I know. I want to tell him to never go back to his grandparents. Based on what he has told us, I'm not exactly sure what his fake mother told them. Plus, they aren't very nice to him."

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