Chapter 28

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

It is a rather short chapter, but I just wasn't liking any version of this chapter that I wrote.  I hope that you don't mind.


I still don't understand why Tee was so overprotective with Detrick. Well, I can kind of see why he would be a little overprotective, but Tee took it to the extreme. But I am very proud of Detrick for standing up for himself. I don't think that he has done that much in the past, but that just shows how much he cares for Dean. Detrick may try to convince us that he only likes Dean, but what he did the other day shows that Detrick has already fallen in love with my cousin.

I can't wait to tell the family. Shoot. They may try to marry us off right away. I know that my family would be more than thrilled if Tee and I got married, but if they could add Detrick and Dean to the mix, they would be over the moon.

I glance back up to the front of the classroom, and I writing the professor's notes from the whiteboard as the professor continues to write more.

I glance over to the clock on the wall and I mentally sigh. We still have another 15 minutes of class. I can make it.

I try to focus on the professor and the material, but as each minute passes, the time seems to go even slower. UGH...

When the professor finally ends the lecture, I begin to pack up my things. Tul begins to gather his things too and asks, "So, are you going to medical to have lunch with Tee?"

I shake my head. "No.  Today, we will be going to the art building to eat there. Tomorrow, we will eat at the medical canteen."

Tul zips his bag up and slightly shakes his head. "I'm glad that you are keeping everything straight."

I chuckle and pull my bag over my shoulder. "It really isn't that difficult to remember. Plus, Tee reminds me every morning where we will be eating lunch at for that day."

Tul smiles and teases, "I'm not going to ask if Tee was in bed with you at the time or not. By the way, how is Dean and Detrick coming along. I know that it has only been a week since Detrick's big 'accidental' confession, but are they still doing all right."

I stop and remember what they were like this past weekend. I couldn't help but to smile as Dean's willingness and eagerness to pamper and spoil Detrick comes to mind. I still can't believe that Dean kept feeding Detrick while Tee and I were at Detrick's apartment. Shoot. I don't think Dean let Detrick do anything on his own. However, Detrick didn't complain. In this aspect, Detrick is the polar opposite of Tee.

If I tried to do everything for Tee, it wouldn't have taken long, and Tee would have pushed me out of the apartment and slammed the door in my face shouting something about being treated like a girl. Well, I did try to do that in the beginning and that is exactly what he did to me. It didn't take me long to figure out what Tee is willing to let me do and when he feels like I have crossed the line to doing too much. I do have to admit that I do put my foot down from time to time, especially when Tee is sick. Fortunately, Tee usually doesn't fight back too much.

However, I'm waiting to see how Detrick handles it. I could tell that it was bugging Tee to watch Dean spoiling Detrick, but I keep reminding Tee that he needs to let Detrick live his life now. Detrick needs to find out on his own what he likes and doesn't like.

Tee didn't want to accept what I said, but he did hold back and keep his comments to himself.

I can't help but to wonder if Detrick's situation, with his fake mother, has anything to do with his willingness to allow Dean to spoil him. Detrick has been taking care of his fake mother for years and he doesn't come out and say it, but from the stories that he tells, I don't think that he got the love that he wanted.

It Can't Be...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora