Chapter 32

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Detrick POV

I still can't believe that I was being such a whiner this morning. I'm never like that, but for some reason, I found myself being a little naughty with Dean. Well, if I'm being honest, I didn't want to get out of bed because I wanted to snuggle next to Dean, but he was so mean. I don't know if he knew what I wanted to do or not, but he forced me to get into the shower. The cruelest part is that I was alone.

I don't know what is happening to me. I'm becoming a needy teenager. Shoot, the only thing that we have done is kiss, but I can't stop thinking about it and wanting more. A lot more.

Maybe I should go back to sleep. At least then, I won't be thinking of Dean and what we could have done in the shower together. Oh, just thinking about the warm water cascading down his naked body has me getting aroused. Shoot. I need to go to sleep right now.

I stare out the car window trying not to think about Dean, but I can't.

Dean wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his side. "What are you thinking so hard about? Are you worried about your Uncle Ted?"

I keep my eyes fixed at looking outside the window and shake my head. Oh, I can't tell him that I was thinking about doing things with him. That is too embarrassing.

I shake my head and softly mumble, "No. Just tired."

Dean kisses the top of my head and put his hand along the side of my face. He gently pulling my head down, so it is resting on his shoulder and whispers, "Go to sleep. I'll wake you when we get back to your apartment."

I slightly nod my head and I close my eyes. However, Dean's woodsy scent fills my nose and quickly overpowers my senses. I have to fight my growing desire to turn my head slightly and nibble his delicious neck.

I close my eyes hoping that sleep comes fast, but that only seems to amplify Dean's smell. Oh, this is like torture. I'm not even going to wonder how I turned into such a horny teenager.

Dean, once again, kisses the top of my head. I can hear his heart to begin to pound just like mine. Well, at least I'm not alone in having troubles being this close to each other. For some reason, knowing that Dean is affected by me as much as he affects me is some how soothing.

As Dean's hand begins to gently caress my shoulder, I slowly drift off to sleep.

With Dean's warm voice echoing in my ears, I slowly begin to wake up. Dean softly whispers, "Baby, we are at your apartment. Wake up."

I flutter my eyelashes as I slowly open my eyes. It feels like I just went to sleep. How can we be back at the university already?

Dean's muscular arm pulls me tight against his side. "Baby, do you want me to carry you up to your apartment?"

I can't believe that he would ask me something like that. I just fell asleep. It isn't like I'm sick or hurt to a point that I can't walk on my own.

I slowly shake my head as Tee huffs, "Dean, stop spoiling my brother."

Tae chuckles and softly adds, "How many times have I carried you, baby, into your dorm room? Most of them weren't because you couldn't, but because I wanted to spoil you, and I wanted to hold you. Remember, babe, Dean is my cousin and we are very similar. Kind of like you and Detrick. So, stop trying to prevent Dean from spoiling Detrick, because I'm going to tell you right now that he won't listen to you."

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