At this moment Jangjun's scream could be heard as he ran to his girlfriend. "CHAEJUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Chaejung had visible confusion on her face as she continued with what she's doing: tying a knot on the back of her t-shirt so that it can become a crop top.

"What do you mean what I'm doing? It's hot."

"That's too revealing!" Jangjun whined as he wrapped his hands around her waist, trying to cover the parts that weren't covered by her tshirt.

"She had the right to show off, let her be." Minah replied lazily while pressing some buttons to control the temperature of the air conditioner.

"I know right, her waist is so slim anyways. And look! She has abs. I'm so envious," Ryu sighed.

Chaejung looked a bit embarrassed, "if you guys work hard enough you can have it too-"

"That's a lie don't listen to her!" Arim interrupted and the others laughed.

"God clearly has his favourites." Jaein scoffed and said quietly while sitting in front of the mirror, carefully tying up her hair into a ponytail. Luckily she was quiet enough that no one heard her.

Joochan secretly stared at her from behind. On one hand he was mentally scolding himself for doing so and liking what he was seeing, but on the other hand he couldn't look away.

The boy then got startled when Jaehyun patted his back hard. "Ouch! What the fuck dude?!" Joochan exclaimed and finally stopped staring.

"Dude... your face is red. Might as well make it more obvious," Jaehyun whispered, sitting right in front of him.

"Shut up," Joochan replied, putting his hands on his face to check whether it's hot or not.

Donghyun, sitting beside him, rolled his eyes in response. "Literally the whole world knows about this, there's no need to hide."

Jibeom took a seat on the other side. "What I think you should do is to make a move and make her heart flutter, and she'll fall for you, maybe," he said, whispering in Joochan's ear.

Suddenly, Jaehyun noticed something unusual, before holding up Jibeom's wrist. The boy wore a hair tie around his wrist.

"Wait a second," Jaehyun said, "you don't need to tie up your hair. What is this for?"

"Ah this." Jibeom looked at his wrist as well. "Rico kept on losing her hair ties so I'm keeping one for her. I'll give this to her whenever she needs it."

"Damn, that's so sweet," Donghyun chuckled.

"I heard a saying that a boy keeping a hair tie on his wrist is a symbol that he's no longer single and is his girlfriend's property," Joochan said, looking envious.

Jibeom laughed, "huh, really? I guess it's true..."

"Oh? I've learnt something new again today," Jaehyun grinned.

"I should really do this as well..." Donghyun was in deep thought, "since Minah is always too lazy to bring hair ties I should probably keep one for her."

"Man... when will I stop being single?" Joochan sighed as he punched the ground.

It wasn't easy for Joochan to befriend Jaein and get her to open up to him first place, and he knew that making her like him back would be even more difficult.

"You should take my advice," Jibeom replied, "it's really not as hard as you think."

"We'll start practice in a minute." Daeyeol announced.

"Yah by the way," Jibeom nudged Joochan, "when I say that you should make a move, you should really not waste time, because..."

Both of them looked to where Jaein was, the place where they placed all their bags. Sungyoon sat nearby, using his phone.

"What are you looking for?" Sungyoon looked up from his phone after Jaein didn't get anything from her bag after quite a long time of searching.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just forgot to buy water," she replied.

The boy picked up the bottle of water beside him. "If you don't mind you can drink some of mine first," Sungyoon said.


"Practice is starting soon. We can go out and buy some drinks later," he explained, passing her the bottle.

"O-okay, um... thanks," Jaein nervously replied as she took the bottle from him.

When she drank, she held the bottle away from her and poured the water into her mouth instead of directly drinking from the bottle.

Afterwards, she returned the bottle of water to Sungyoon. "T-thank you."

"You're welcome."

Joochan didn't say anything, but Jibeom could tell he was jealous.

"Sharing drinks with someone isn't something she would usually do," Jibeom himself was also quite surprised at the situation also though he knew the reason behind it.

Joochan turned to him with widened eyes. "W-what?" He whispered.

Jibeom stayed silent for a while before patting his back, "good luck."


Jaein: *deleted message* (ah shit this is awkward as fuck why am i doing this)

Jaein: *deleted message* (SHIT SHIT SHIT I PRESSED SENT)

Jaein: ahaha don't mind me

Jaein: hi bomin

Bomin: um... hi?

Jaein: this is kind of awkward since we're just partners for like 45 seconds asdfghjkll hope im not bothering you, but you didn't really seem to be in a good condition in today's practice, you looked pale and really tired

Jaein: you have practice with our class, the idol club, with the rest of us and you even have to practice extra time for the dance performance with the boys, it must've been super tiring

Bomin: um haha yeah kind of

Jaein: what i want to say is, if you're stressed you should really talk to Arim about it

Bomin: well yeah i mean being with her really relieves my stress

Jaein: by talking to her about it i meant not to hide everything from her, and actually tell her that you're having a hard time

Jaein: arim is a good listener, and she cares about other people a lot, especially you, she's probably worried now as well

Jaein: and not telling her anything isnt going to make the situation better

Bomin: true

Jaein: don't misunderstand anything, i just care about arim, i dont want this hamster girl to panic and cry because she worries too much about you

Bomin: thanks

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