30 : Behind Her Smile

Start from the beginning

She tried her best to look happy in front of the boys, she will always gave them a smile. She didn't want to make them worried. But she know that she's not cooping up the past event well. Everytime she went to the therapy, her body would shake as she remember the scene. She would cry in her sleep as the scene past through her thoughts.

The boys tried their best to make Y/N happy. They remembered exactly what Dr. Lee said "make good memories to replace her bad one". So they tried their best.

Namjoon know how much Y/N would laugh at his clumsy behaviour. Even though she tried her best to hold back her laugh to be respectful, sometimes she can't help it and honestly Namjoon doesn't mind at all. So these past day, he would do clumsy thing on purpose to make her laugh. Well, Seokjin yelled at him for doing so but it's fine if it makes her happy right?

Hoseok know how much Y/N love his sound effects and his jokes in general. So everytime Y/N do something, Hoseok would tried his best to make a sound effect which make her laugh out loud. He would make sure to tell a joke that could bring a smile to her face. The members complained to him for being noisy. But the thing he cares about are making Y/N happy.

Taehyung know how much Y/N love if he asked her to do weird stuff with him. Dancing, singing, whatever it is you name it. So these days Taehyung been asked her to play xbox with him. They would dancing and singing along like a crazy people until Seokjin yelled at them. And Taehyung know that's the cue of his succeed.

Jimin know how much Y/N love his voice, she says it calms her mind. Jimin would search for song for him to cover as he would sang to her every night. Although Seokjin would mad at him for taking her away when it is their bed time already but all Jimin wanted was for that smile to be seen on her face.

Jungkook seriously doesn't know what would make Y/N happy since all they've done just bickering and he didn't even know if she took it as a joke or not. He know how she would pout if he took her food away so that's what he's been doing these past day. He would always take her food away which leads them to bickering and her pouting. All of the hyungs tried to make her smile so it's balance if he tried to annoy her right?

Seokjin smile at the members behaviour. He really thankful for them. At first Bang PD-nim offered him to take a break for him to spend his time with his sister. But the member know that it will exhaust Seokjin more as he would have to keep up with the practice after his break. So they decided to devide their time for Y/N.

Seokjin doesn't have to do much with all of his member doing. But he would make sure to accompany her until he sleeps. Since she's staying in the dorm, she is sleeping in his room and Seokjin sleep in Namjoon's. Seokjin will make sure to give her a goodnight kiss and lullaby until she drift to sleep and then he proceed to bed.


Honestly he doesn't do anything.

Not that he doesn't want to. But he's not sure what would make her happy. He just realized that it's always the way around. She always make him happy. She always entertain him. She always make he calmed down. But it never the way around.

Yoongi frowned at himself for being the one who always receiving. Honestly what could he do to make the girl happy? He twist his brain around, thinking about ways to make her happy.

But the next day when he saw how the rest of the member already well prepared for making her happy. Yoongi bit his lips as he took a step back. Maybe she doesn't need him to be happy and make good memories. Maybe the rest of the member are enough. So these days he would just look at the her from afar.

He felt glad that the girl are getting better.

That is before he noticed some things.


"Wah seriously I'm so full" Jungkook said as he rubbed his belly.

"I'm sure you are with all of the addition food you're getting" Y/N rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Hey, you should be thankful! I know you don't like eggplant"

"That's just this once! You snatch all of my food for every meal!" Y/N pouted.

Jungkook just laugh at her behavior. He was about to pat her head but Y/N already went her way to the sink. Making Jungkook just awkwardly put his hand to his own head.

"Y/N, you don't have to wash the dishes. You already cooked" Taehyung said as he approach her.

"But I want to oppa"

"No! No way! It's my duty! Give it to me! I'm the dishwash fairy!" Taehyung said with a cute pout, making her laugh.

"Okay but I'll help you collect the plate okay?" Y/N said as she began to went to the dining table again to collect the plate.

At the table, Hoseok are cleaning up and collecting the plate when he realized the girl presence.

"Oh, Y/N. Are you going to collect the plate?" Hoseok asked in which the girl nodded.

"Here you go" Hoseok said as he gave her the plates.

"Um.. Just put them in the table oppa. I think there's no space in the sink" Y/N said.

"Really? Okay then"

Hoseok put the plates down in the table before he make his way to the living room where the rest of the boys are.

Y/N took the plates in her hand as she headed towards the sink where Taehyung is. After she helped Taehyung and the plates are all clean, the two headed towards the living room. The rest of the boys are watching a drama and some of them are playing with their phone.

"Thank you Tae, Y/N for washing the dishes. It means a lot" Namjoon said as they notice the appereance of the two.

"Your welcome oppa" Y/N said as she took a seat next to Jimin, while Taehyung next to Jungkook who's sitting in the carpet.

"Aigo our little Y/N, thank you for cooking and also wash the dishes" Jimin said as he wrap his arms around her shoulders, giving her a small hug. The girl startled at his action but soon she gave the boy a smile.

Yoongi turned his head at the two as he furrowed his brows.

"Ya Y/N! Let's play zumba together with Jungkook. What do you say?" Taehyung said as he turned his head to the girl.

"But they are watching a drama right now"

"We can just change it without them knowing" Taehyung lift up his index finger to his mouth, motioning the girl to keep quiet. Y/N just noded at him.

Taehyung then turned his attention back to Jungkook as they both noded at each other. The two then took a careful step as they start to pull out the TV jack, earning a groan from the older guys.

"Ah seriously, can't you let us watch?" Seokjin groan in frustration at the younger boy.

Taehyung and Jungkook just giggle before Taehyung pull out Y/N hand, making her startled as she began to stand next to them.

"Sorry but it's Taehyung Jungkook and Y/N zumba time! Come on let's go! Zumba zumba"

Taehyung and Jungkook start to dance crazily, making the older guys who's annoyed laugh of their action. Taehyung motioning Y/N hand as she began to follow them to dance.

Yoongi just saw all of it as he press his lips together.

Just as he thought.

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