Special Chapter - Skills you pick up

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Ok, I've had this playing in my head for a while now. I searched everywhere. But I couldn't find a fic where Lucci or Kaku end up using the skills they learned during the water seven mission, that's why I made this scenario.

Ok I do take the credit for this oneshot and the brief mention of my oc, the rest of the characters I have no hand in, only what they did in this chapter.


"Uh, Excuses me, sir." A marine spoke, approaching the CP0 group with shaky legs. Lucci raised one of his eyebrows at this. The lower ranked marines always tried to avoid as much contact with the CP0 agents as possible. So it was rare for one of them to approach the group, especially if it meant walking into any of their offices.

"What do you need, youngster?" Kaku asked, voice light.

"U-u, W-we-ell... H-h-h-how-ow sho-uld-"

"Just say whatever you have to say already!" Jabra shouted. Startling the already afraid marine even more. Though the man did get his point across, achieving the desired effect that he had wanted.

"The shipjust broke down, so it'sgonna take us longer to getthere, sir." He spoke fast, running his words into each other.

Stussy threw her head back and groaned. "DAM IT! Those Celestial Dragons throw a fit if they're late by even a few minutes!" She then turned to the marine, who still hadn't dared to step into the room, opting to stay in front of the open door, not even daring to enter. "How long is it gonna take them to repair the ship?"

"Well, the shipwright said that it would take him 6 hours to fix the motor, ma am."

Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa all shared a look at this. "6 hours. Are you sure?" Kalifa asked bluntly.

"Uh, yes ma am. He said that it would take him a minimum of 6 hours to fix the ship."

Lucci stood up at this. He truly did not want to listen to the Celestial Dragons whine, so it would be best if he took matters into his own hands. "Kaku. Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Stussy called, desperately latching onto Lucci's arm, in a one last effort to try to get him to continue sitting down with her. "Where are you two going?"

"To the engine room."

"WHAT! WHY?" Jabra yelled.

"Simple. Because the youngster working on the ship obviously doesn't know what he's doing." Kaku answers, scratching his nose.

"Oh really, and what makes you think that you can fix it?" the wolf zone questioned.

"Maybe the fact that we worked at a shipyard for five years." Lucci replied with his usual monotone voice.

By then the five agents had already made their way down to the engine room. Kaku opened the room to see a tall, well built man just sleeping on the floor, using his tool box as a pillow.

Kalifa walked up to the man, waking him up by giving him a quick, efficient, kick to the ribs. "Wake up you Buffoon! What do you think you're doing?"

The man's eyes widened, realizing that he had just been caught. The man quickly got up, he opened his mouth, in a last ditch attempt to save his job, but that was quickly shot down by Lucci.

"You're fired. Get out. Don't come back. If I see you near here again. I'll kill you." the man quickly nodded. He bent down to pick up his tool box, but Kaku grabbed it before he could.

"Sorry. But we're gonna be needing this." The man, understanding his situation, knew that he should not argue. So he wisely chose to shut up and ran out of the room.

Lucci took off his white coat and kneels in front of the engine. "Looks like it's just a simple case of loose wire. Whoever originally attached this must have not properly secured it."

Kaku nodded "It also looks like the loose wire also resulted in overheating, meaning we will probably have to replace the wire as well." The Ushi Ushi no Mei, Model Giraffe devil fruits eater then opened, the now fired shipwrights, tool box. "Ah ha, found it."

The two agents, who had never seen Lucci or Kaku, work on a ship before, just continued to stare, amazed as the man's experienced hands made quick work off replacing the broken wire.

"There done."

"DAM!" was the only thing Jabra could manage to speak.

"Yah, well after working on a shipyard for five years, you learn a couple of special skills."

"Yeah, and you end up meeting special women."

Stussy just scoffed, "Yeah well how, isn't like I was on that mission. Isn't that right my Robie-b" Before the blond could even finish the sentence Lucci had his claws out, and around her neck.

"Lets get two things clear, Stussy." He spoke, his voice dripping with venom. "First, don't ever call me Rob, only a few people in the world have that right, and you're definitely one of them." he said slowly, as if he were speaking to a toddler.

"The second, don't ever compare yourself to MY women. You have absolutely nothing on her."

And with that, the leader of Cipher Pol Aigis Zero, made his exit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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