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We walked along the corridors, Kihyun let out small, happy chuckles next to me. He held my arm tight with both of his hands. It was the first time I felt that lucky, my heart was beating unnormally fast in my chest. I lightly stroke his hair. Ki let out a happy sigh.

«Lee?» Hyunwoo rushed towards us, seeming to be a little bit worried.
«What is it?» I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
When Shownu looked unhappy I automatically was concerned. He cared a lot about us and always was happy, but even tough a very sensitive person.
«Its because of Minhyuk.» his voice was cracking.
Kihyuns eyes widened.
«Did something happen to Noona?» now it was the younger who worried.

Hyunwoo stayed silent. Kihyun let go of my arm, I saw he was shaking a bit, as if he was going to cry every second.
I grabbed his wirst and hurried to get to Noona.
«Everything will be alright Kihyun.» I tried to calm him.
«Why do you use my full name? You never do.»

Minhyuk kneed next to the pool and looked down, his back turned to us.
«Noona?» Kihyun whined.
I was worring more about Minhyuk. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and sat next to him.
«Are you alright?»
He just shook his head. Weakly he raised his arm, just to let it sink the next second.
His legs were bruised, his jeans covered in blood.
Noona appeared in front of Kihyun.

Whatever had happened to Minhyuk, she shouldn't hurt Kihyun too. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him away from the dolphin fast.
«What are you doing?!» he shouted.
«Stay calm until we know what happened.»
Minhyuk stood up weakly, I had to help him but I couldn't let go of Ki because I knew he would run away.
«What had happened?» I looked at Min concerned.
«Get out of here.» he whispered back weakly.
«Is there anything with Noona?» I whined.
Minhyuk shook his head, before falling on his knees again, to weak to stand.

Kihyuns eyes were glittering. The brown haired boy was about to cry every minute.
I lifted up Minhyuk, what made me let go of Kihyun and he escaped.
«Kihyun don't!» Minhyuk shouted.
The younger just went to stroke Noona. Minhyuk in my arms, breathing heavily.
«Hyunwoo please come over» I called for him trough my radio set.

In the next second, I knew what happened to Minhyuk. A boy pushed Kihyun away, unable to do anything I watched him hurting the brown haired. Noona making loud sounds.
Hyunwoo stormed into their direction, I heard him calling the other workers for help. He lifted up Kihyun and rushed out of the dolphin area.

I took Minhyuk, trough the restrooms to look inside my first aid kit.
«You need to take these off.» I said pointing at his pants.
«I can't...» he whispered weakly.
«Fine let me do it.»
«Don't!» he screamed when I was about to open his pants.
«If you don't take them of else I will rip them.»
«Just rip it, it's already damaged»

I let out a small sigh, ripping it and bearing his leg.
A deep wound was beeing around both of his knees. Blood was streaming out of it now slowly staining my hands. I took the ripped part of his jeans and pressed it against the wound, to stop it's bleeding.
«Are you okay Min?» I asked worried about his condition.
I pulled out my phone willing to call the ambulance.

«I love you Jess.» he weakly whispered, It was that quiet that I might couldn't have heard it.
«Alright Minhyuk let me call the ambulance ok?» I changed the topic. We could discuss it later, maybe, first I needed an ambulance, to look after Kihyun and close the museum. Even though we needed the police to come over.

Hopefully Kihyun is alright.

I'm so sorry for taking so fucking long, my life is messed up and I really needed/need the time to get my usual shit done
Anyways I'm trying my best to go on

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